Sorry to hear that as I just purchased my truck and this would a bit disheartening. Fortunately it’s an easy solve
If they were working 24/7 last year and that’s the case don’t be surprised by small errors
Not sure when your truck was built but the production crew was working 24/7 through the summer last year as I understand it. If you’ve never worked in a factory you might find it hard to relate.
I worked in a factory once to earn some extra coin to pay for classes. Working a schedule like that will easily lead to errors like this. You might think the redundancy would make it easier and it does but if they are working nights, that’s a whole different issue
I ran a $25million dollar machine and people on my crew including myself would mess up the most basic stuff after about 3 days of no sleep on a 4 day week - and we weren’t building trucks but doing something a lot less complicated
In addition, having owned a lot of nice expensive cars - there’s always quality issues whether it’s a Mercedes BMW Land Rover Saab Volvo Toyota Nissan - you name it.
What’s worse is when a manufacturer knows about something that’s wrong and doesn’t correct it and this happens a lot!
My truck came in last week to the dealer. I checked all the usual things prior to signing but at some point you have to accept the risks which doesn’t mean quality issues aren’t important.
Love my rig but anticipate there will be a bug or two
Hope you have a good dealer and good luck!!