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Issues with 1500 Ram


New Member
Oct 16, 2024
Reaction score
Bought a new 1500 Ram two weeks ago and drove it for less than 300 miles. The check engine light came on and the truck stalled out after this. It has been over a week sitting at the dealership in their service department for about 10 days now.
What I am hearing is that there were numerous codes thrown. Dealership reprogrammed the computer. Now I am hearing that the catalytic converter is burnt and that the #6 piston was not firing.
Imagine buying a vehicle that can't even drive 300 miles. SMH. This was a very regretted decision to purchase this vehicle. I am waiting to see what is going to happen and how long it takes to get resolved.
Hi @Vish,

We are sorry to hear this has been your experience. We would like to look into this for you. If your vehicle is still at the dealership, please private message us with these details. Thank you.

Ram Cares
Please find attached the timeline for the issues.
The vehicle is still at the Dealership
Mark Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram
Hi @Vish,

We are sorry to hear this has been your experience. We would like to look into this for you. If your vehicle is still at the dealership, please private message us with these details. Thank you.

Ram Cares

3777 Gerstner Memorial Blvd, Lake Charles, LA 70607


I don’t question that any car can have issues, but is it easier to come post on the internet or would it be better and perhaps more productive to ask the dealer to provide a loaner while the issue is resolved. A big dealer like Mark Dodge doesn’t have service loaners? If you have the loaner this is an annoyance but nothing more and if you don’t like the truck after a year or two than trade it and move on.
I don’t question that any car can have issues, but is it easier to come post on the internet or would it be better and perhaps more productive to ask the dealer to provide a loaner while the issue is resolved. A big dealer like Mark Dodge doesn’t have service loaners? If you have the loaner this is an annoyance but nothing more and if you don’t like the truck after a year or two than trade it and move on.
Mr Ral, Would you want to purchase something and not get what you purchased?
I don’t question that any car can have issues, but is it easier to come post on the internet or would it be better and perhaps more productive to ask the dealer to provide a loaner while the issue is resolved. A big dealer like Mark Dodge doesn’t have service loaners? If you have the loaner this is an annoyance but nothing more and if you don’t like the truck after a year or two than trade it and move on.
I think he's paid for the right to vent. And if he can't come here to do it, what's the point of forums?
Mr Ral, Would you want to purchase something and not get what you purchased?
Not at all. But things happen in life, much worse than this. If I were you, I would be annoyed, no question. But rather than coming here to pointlessly vent, I would ask the dealer for a loaner. And not a ****box, but a nice loaner - another Ram 1500, a Jeep Grand Cherokee, a Wagoneer, etc. They likely would say yes. And this way, at least you are getting some comparable value for what you paid for your truck, instead of coming here to pointlessly complain. Trust me when I tell you that the dealer doesn't want to hold on to your truck, and they don't want an unhappy customer, but if they have to wait on Stellantis, then they have to wait. In the alternative, I have also found that it is more effective to deal with people in a constructive manner - "I want my truck back, I am disappointed, but as a practical matter it would help me if I could have another as a loaner in the interim." That's a lot harder for them to respond to negatively than sitting in front of a service advisor (or calling him or her) and whining. And in the interim, as you are driving their nice loaner, the time passes more quickly for you (mentally) and they have a cost item to incentivize them to get this squared away. That's the smart play.

In short, man-up. It's a truck. Is it very annoying? Yes, indeed. Should it influence your decision to stay with the brand? No one would question you for coming to that conclusion. But the whining should stop. People have to deal with much more serious stuff everyday, and this problem has an easy fix - get a comparable loaner. No decent or reputable dealership will say no under these circumstances.

Good luck getting your truck fixed, seriously.
Hi @Vish,

Thank you for your reply. Please private message us back with any further details, so we can best assist you.

Ram Cares
Please find attached the timeline for the issues.
The vehicle is still at the Dealership
Mark Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram

3777 Gerstner Memorial Blvd, Lake Charles, LA 70607
Constructive discussion and solutions, not pointless whining.
Absolutely no where in his post did I get the feeling he was whining. Looks to me like he was clearly stating the issue he's experiencing and that after 300 miles, he now has a bad taste, or possible regret. Any normal person would understand this.

All we can do is come together as a community and try to convince him that the RAM is great vehicle and he might have similar issues with other brands. Once fixed, the truck will be great, but until they find the issue, he has the right to be disappointed.

I had a 2015 Scat Pack Charger bought back by Dodge because the dealer couldn't find a fix for the AC blowing hot. A simple fix was eventually found. The upper radiator hose clamp was shorting out the outside temp sensor when the car got warm. So, setting the AC to 70, the shorted sensor thought the outside temp was -82, so full heat it is to get to 70.

The fix was as simple as moving/replacing the upper radiator hose clamp, but they bought it back before the fix was found. Loved that car, even with the issues, I wish I still had it.

A simple fix may be all your truck needs, but until they narrow down the issue, they don't know if it's major or simple.

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