....navigation set up. Not really Navi itself but some reason I can’t get past not having theme option. Lol, not sure why that bothers me some much. Maybe just what I payed for truck or guess I’m weird like that.
That is too funny. I also miss my "theming option" every single time i look at the radio, (we might be the ONLY 2 ppl even noticing that...lol) i hate the RED color, plus the screen looks like it has a little less items on it and a drop less resolution than my '18....
As much Ram 2019 research i did, did NOT know asides from losing theme option, didn't know 4C without NAV would give me a watered down experience and NO ability to remotely do anything with the truck....Wish salesman were more informed and could point this out (especially to ppl familiar with Sirius BEFORE they split into Guardian... instead of saying, "now with Apple Car play, NAV is unnecessary... Might be true with the way SOME Mfg implement Car Play, but Sirius uses TWO separate units, so IF you don't have a radio equipped with Nav/SOS button, you cannot remotely do ANYTHING...
Wish i had known that, take heed fellow buyers : )
BUT reading that other post about the "popups" reminded me about those popups... didn't know NAV was the cause of them. In my 2018 Sport with Nav (and themes - sniff : ) i got air advisory warnings a hundred times a day from time zones i wasn't even in. I must've called Sirius a dozen times, reset a dozen diff features but NOTHING shut them off. IF they woulda told me its my "free subscription causing it" i would've plunked down for a PAID one immediately, as those pop ups nearly drove me insane!
How in the world does their Software Design Team not recognize how intrusive they are??!! If you ask me, they are prolly losing money, those popups understandably make people think, "i am NOT paying for this service ONCE ended, who needs these stupid popups that cannot be turned off? You honestly cannot enjoy anything on that radio for longer than 5 min without interruption...
At least run a banner or something that says "advisory warnings settings control ONLY included with a Paid Subscription..." well, that's what i would do if i was over there...lol
Oh and i might regret a teeny tiny bit that my truck didn't have the LED lighting option. I was willing to NOT have it because my Black Appearance model WITH Level 2 AND Alpine was the only one around for hundreds of miles, many Level 1's but no Level 2's & i wasn't even willing to consider Level 1 just to get the LED's.... Plus since we got the LED's on hubby's work truck, he said he can "swap 'em out" but not sure if that is possible... Dealer says "NO" but that's what they always say about everything....lol