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Is Blind Spot Detection worth it on 2019 Ram 3500HD?


Apr 10, 2019
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I'm looking at buying one of the new Ram 3500. I've been mulling over the safety package and also the BLIS system. I'm wondering how practical it is on a 3500. On a 1500 it seems like it would be a no brainer since it accounts for trailer length, but on a 3500 is specifically says that it doesn't work with trailers. This leads me to be a bit cautious about the option. On the surface it seems like its a good safety feature, but then I consider that it might be a liability. I might go 3 months without towing a trailer driving around with BLIS helping me stay safe, then for 1 day I decide to pull a trailer and suddenly I no longer have that warning system. Of course, we always check our blind spots regardless, but we all know when you have something that keeps us safe you start to rely on its vigilance. I worry that suddenly not having it might introduce a situation where I think I'm clear, but I'm really not because the system is off.

Besides that concern is there anyone who has any practical experience with BLIS on ram or other trucks, is it practical or is it annoying?
I like it. It is very useful when some small car decides to ride in your blind spot. Yes, you can use mirrors; but that is contingent upon them always being adjusted perfectly and you still need to take a little extra time to make sure everything is clear. With Blind Spot detection, I just see the little symbol in my mirror and know someone is hiding there. When the symbol goes away....its all clear. It is nice for the trailer too. But usually there isn't a blind spot near my trailer and I can see everything there. I can't see cars that are right beside my truck at first glance; that is where the Blind Spot detection is most useful.
BLIS still works and covers the critical blind spot that is just to the side of your truck, IMO the mirrors are just fine for looking along the length of the trailer.

Also you will likely get more responses over on the HD FORUM... come join us!
I received the 'Owner Support Site' link from the dealer with info on my 2500 and this is what is states about the Blind Spot Monitoring:

On the all-new Ram 2500/3500, the Blind Spot Monitoring feature also includes an additional 39.5 feet to help further identify objects in the blind-spot zone when towing a trailer!

Which is not at all what it claims on the website.... I have sent an email off to FCA to see what they say..
I got the same "owner support site" message the day after I picked up my new 2019 Ram 3500. Was kinda excited about it but dubious. I went on the Ram/Mo-Par site and engaged their "chat" folks. Not surprisingly, she had no clue. I did notice that for ALL of the Ram 3500 trim levels there is no way to even "opt in" for the trailer feature and the "Safety section" (unlike the 1500 safety section) and the "sticker" states that is is for the "truck only". I noticed on another thread that someone stated that as soon as the 3500 notices the trailer it will de-activate the blind spot detection. Well isn't that special. So not only will it not do what the smaller (cheaper - non-heavy duty - i.e. re. for towing BIG trailers) 1500 can do, it "deletes your "paid for" feature when towing.... I agree with the other guy .. someone needs to tell the dude (who sends you the initial "welcome - look what features you have!!") ... to play nice.. :(
The Owner's manual says nothing about BSM being disabled when a trailer is connected.
I received the 'Owner Support Site' link from the dealer with info on my 2500 and this is what is states about the Blind Spot Monitoring:

On the all-new Ram 2500/3500, the Blind Spot Monitoring feature also includes an additional 39.5 feet to help further identify objects in the blind-spot zone when towing a trailer!

Which is not at all what it claims on the website.... I have sent an email off to FCA to see what they say..

That is not true. What you received is very misleading. Plug in a trailer and blind spot detection turns off on the 2500/3500. This is from personal experience and verified as appropriate action by the dealership.
I guess I never came back to update my comment... I'm on the HD board more than here.

Yes, I did state that the two (the website and the Owner's Link email I received) contradicted each other... the response from MOPAR was typically cryptic and the could not explain the discrepancy.

Much like the TTPMS and the AUX External camera... it is something they wanted, but did not have at the time of production.

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