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Interior rattle back window/behind rear seat, headliner and dtiver door


Nov 14, 2019
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Within the past 2 months I've had a rattle/tick coming from back seat passenger side what seems to be behind the seat. My headliner rattles like crazy but I know that's not the noise in back. Driver side door rattles like crazy all the time. I took the passenger side door panel off and fixed a rattle but that was from door panel not full being clipped on. Driver side is all clipped on as I can tell by checking panel as it's not loose on Driver side. Anyone have these issues and have a fix? 2019 laramie sport with 49,000 miles.
I experienced a clicking noise coming from the back seat when hitting pot holes, traced it to a part in the seat folding mechanism.

left rear seat ticking noise.jpgseat cam wheel.jpg
My roof vibrates bad when a car pulls up next to me with subs playing heavy bass music. That's really my only complaint about these 5th gens. Must be the lighter steel they use or something. I turned my bass down to -4 on my radio.
I experienced a clicking noise coming from the back seat when hitting pot holes, traced it to a part in the seat folding mechanism.

View attachment 113272View attachment 113274
I have noticed this as well and thought it might be the culprit. This has rattled for me as well but mine sounds like it's almost behind the seat itself. It makes a crackle even when turning the truck but gets much louder when going over bumps.
Within the past 2 months I've had a rattle/tick coming from back seat passenger side what seems to be behind the seat. My headliner rattles like crazy but I know that's not the noise in back. Driver side door rattles like crazy all the time. I took the passenger side door panel off and fixed a rattle but that was from door panel not full being clipped on. Driver side is all clipped on as I can tell by checking panel as it's not loose on Driver side. Anyone have these issues and have a fix? 2019 laramie sport with 49,000 miles.
Right here between the back panel and the side plastic panel. Before all my sound deadening, I stuck a piece a foam between the two panels and it fix it. Drove me nuts.

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I just came across the same exact issue with the rear seat hinges. Sounds like the locking mechanism is gravity based. When the seats are down something metal is flopping around. When they are up the metal part catches on a detent and the noise goes away. Going to try a thick lubricant in an attempt to dampen the noise.
So that fixed it. In case anyone is having the same issue I used open gear lube. Put the seats up and spray it on the mechanism. Wait a few minutes for the solvent to dry and spray them again. Let it sit for a good 15 min to be sure the solvent has dissolved and the noise should be gone. Open gear lube is very thin until the solvents evaporate off then it becomes very sticky. Don't lower the seats until it is dry or the lubricant will just get wiped off the mech.

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