Ram Guru
Some folks post helpful info, some folks post how much fun their trucks are, and some just want to complain to anyone that will pay attention.
I had a front end 'clunk' and this forum was more helpful than the Ram service network. It took multiple visits to convince them the problem was the sway bar end links. Once the Star case # was posted here, I was able to bring that to the dealership and the problem was finally fixed.
My truck is running great and I'm really happy with it. If the forum got too negative, I'd probably dump the forum before I dumped the truck.
I had a front end 'clunk' and this forum was more helpful than the Ram service network. It took multiple visits to convince them the problem was the sway bar end links. Once the Star case # was posted here, I was able to bring that to the dealership and the problem was finally fixed.
My truck is running great and I'm really happy with it. If the forum got too negative, I'd probably dump the forum before I dumped the truck.