Hey guys,
I've been hemming and hawing at getting a truck for over a year. Finally pulled the trigger yesterday. Now I've got that little voice in the back of my head asking if I got a good deal or not.
One thing that kind of threw a red flag was I had my sales guy build out the same truck in March and it was almost $1,000 less. I didn't pull the trigger right away and we ended up doing the same order 7 days later in April.
He claimed there was nothing he could do and the parts simply cost more once we redid the build in April. This innately sounds like BS, however I am in sales as well and the same thing happens in the industry I work in when customers wait (Prices go up as the cost of materials and production goes up) The base cost of the MSRP and the etorque ($500 instead of $200) are what drove the price up.
The price is before any rebates, and in addition to my state tax. Apparently I can't lock in any promotions now, and have to go with whatever the rebates are at the time the truck comes in.
Any advice or criticism would be welcome.
Thanks guys,