You Muricans and your imperial ways haha. Hear me out... what if we just said 0 was the freezing point of water, and 100 the boiling? Simple, right?
But yes, I figured my temps were ok except for my trans which was negative

but mind you but that was already running 10 minutes + at that point. I just couldn't see how anyone WOULDN"T warm it up when its that cold. AND it takes about 5-10 minutes of driving before everything starts to feel normal. An ice box is understating it haha. Would be nice to hear from more people who live in igloos like I do.
That's good to hear from your experience though. Very much appreciated - with this being my first brand new vehicle I want to make it last and every small detail counts. Again I was very surprised to see most people don't warm up their trucks, but with almost everyone on this forum bleeding red, white and blue it makes sense as I feel like only Alaskans can understand what I mean. I was taught to warm it up when it hits -20C+ (the last 2 weeks where I live, -28 was a good day). But barring any extreme cold weather I'm with the rest of you guys... now
