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How do you get your oil changed?

How/where do you change your oil?

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Don't know, don't care. Oil is oil. As long as u change it every 6 months your fine. People way overthink this.

If you run a UOA (used oil analysis) you will find out that "oil is not oil." I installed a Fumoto valve on my '20 EcoD at first change, and now it takes all of 30 minutes to change oil and filter, and I can use a better oil than the OEM/dealership uses. Here in my area of W TX, dealers still charge $100+ to do this service even if you have the RamCare coupons.
If you run a UOA (used oil analysis) you will find out that "oil is not oil." I installed a Fumoto valve on my '20 EcoD at first change, and now it takes all of 30 minutes to change oil and filter, and I can use a better oil than the OEM/dealership uses. Here in my area of W TX, dealers still charge $100+ to do this service even if you have the RamCare coupons.
What type of oil are you using?? And brand
I find the 5th gen way easier than the 4th gen hemi. The 5th gen you can reach from in front of the filter and get two hands on it to pin it off and handle it without a mess. Use the zip lock bag of course. I installed a fumoto F106 and the little spout reaches over the sway bar- no mess there. I would suggest an OEM filter.

Mopar MO-339 filter (walmart) and M1 5w-20.

The oem oil made a racket. I thought he truck was just loud. The mobile one, for some reason, makes it run much quieter.
I do my own every 3000 miles or so. I do have a vehicle lift though and free oil, so it really only cost me 10 bucks for the Mopar filter. I have lots of practice now to not make a mess LOL
When I bought my truck I bought an oil change/tire rotation/lube & check package for about $200. That gave me 6 of everything. With the miles I drive it works out to about an oil change a year, so I'm covered for the next 6 years.

As a guy who has always done everything myself - from bench-pressing transmissions into cars on jackstands to pulling axles and driveshafts to pulling and dropping intakes, heads, and full engines, I originally balked at the idea - it's hard to get used to the idea of not changing your own oil after doing it yourself for 35 years. But you can't do everything yourself forever, and laying on the concrete floor has gotten harder, and after reading what a PITA the oil filter is on here I don't feel too bad for having done it. My dealership is pretty good with that stuffs. Once the 6 years is up? I'm not sure. $33 for an oil change and tire rotation is a pretty good price these days, especially on a vehicle this big, and I will be fully retired by then so who knows. Considering that I do all the maintenance and repair on our 3 others cars I've kind of enjoyed having one vehicle I could just drop off and pick up.
our dealership has all the meth heads changing oil & tires . i had to have the tires rebalanced on my gmc & meth head 1 forgot to tighten the nut on the balancer machine & spun it up wheel came flying off meth head 2 tried to catch a 22" rim in the air that was spinning & broke his wrist . the rim hit the wall & messed it up bad had to wait 4 days for them to order a new rim. ugh . i do my own oil changes & tire rotation now

7 tires
Well, at least he tried to catch it and limit the damage to your wheel :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I got free oil changes for 3 years. So I’ll figure it out after that.

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I do all my own work professionally, so obviously I do my own oil. But, remember, there is more to doing an oil change than just changing the oil. You will almost never find that kind of work anymore at any garage but sometimes you get lucky. I take fleet maintenance very seriously, every service all my vehicles all are gone through with a comb.
2021 Rebel. Just hit 1400 miles and did a "break in" period oil change this morning. Wow...the amount of metal shavings in the filter oil was one of those "eesh" moments. Wish I took a pic of it. Lots of sparkly's in it.

Put PUP in and will change again @ 5k and then every 5k or 8 months which ever happens first. Saving all receipts and bought one of those maintenance log books to keep track. I keep my vehicles in excess of 12 yrs on average. Last truck was 19 years. So I'll spend a little extra and love doing it myself.

And of course the filter was put on by the Hulk himself at the factory. /shakeshead

However... it really wasn't as messy as I thought it was going to be. The cross bar next to the fill/drain plug is sitting well below the stream of oil that poured out. (maybe it's a redesign?) It didn't hit that crossbar until it was almost all done draining. Quick easy wipe to clean up. The filter being so stuck on was real PITA. Just had to bite the bullet and grab my monster channel locks and just get 1 mil at a time until I got it 1/2 turn! A whole 1/2 turn before I could spin it off by hand.

*** Edit to add ***

Plus doing it myself gives me the excuse to drink. It was 1130 am... So close to after noon. I woke up at 415 am...So that's practically 3pm for most people.
I do all my own work professionally, so obviously I do my own oil. But, remember, there is more to doing an oil change than just changing the oil. You will almost never find that kind of work anymore at any garage but sometimes you get lucky. I take fleet maintenance very seriously, every service all my vehicles all are gone through with a comb.
Nobody cares as much as the owner, at least most owners, and if you're reading this you're one that cares! My job is about reliability and maintenance to ensure things don't have failures so I tend to care about things done right.

I used to do all my maintenance up to about 12 years ago. I've found buying the Mopar oil change packages with rotations to be a really good value, usually less than $35-$40 per change/rotate. I can't buy the oil and filter and the hour it takes to get/change/rotate/dispose for less.

A couple months ago I had to replace the oil cooler on the 200S w/ the V6. The job is tough enough that ensuring no cross-contamination of coolant into the oil and cleanliness in the engine valley led me to change the oil to ensure nothing bad would happen. I could not get the drain plug out of the pan with a combination wrench and had to cheat it off with a 2nd wrench.

Since I changed the oil, I checked the air filter. Every one of the filter housing bolts was stripped out. I know this is common as I's seen may oil change techs use the 1/4 impacts to remove and replace the bolts. This has me reconsidering the convenience vs assurance of quality balance. I checked and every one of my vehicles had the filter housing bolts stripped out, 2015 RAM, 200S, 2011 Charger.

The 2021 RAM has a free Oil Change due and it also came with a Forever Warranty if the dealership does the services. I'm tempted to make a placard for the filter housing with "DO NOT USE POWER TOOLS", but it would likely make no difference and probably make it worse. :rolleyes:
DIY to make sure it's done right, I use Shell Rotella Gas Truck synthetic 5W-20 with OEM filter once a year, which equates to about 5,000 miles or so.
I have not been doing oil changes myself for many years on my DD's, but starting with my Ram, I have done and will continue to do the oil changes.

1. I want to know what oil is going in, I am never quite sure it is what they say. I had the Explorer's oil changed and they claim it was synthetic, at 2800miles the oil is nearly black! $80 down the drain, as now I have to change it again, so I will be doing the Explorer now.

2. Going to the dealers in my area are PITA, not because they are hard to work with, but because it takes them a whole damn day, I don't have that kinda time to waste for every oil change.
Nobody cares as much as the owner, at least most owners, and if you're reading this you're one that cares! My job is about reliability and maintenance to ensure things don't have failures so I tend to care about things done right.

I used to do all my maintenance up to about 12 years ago. I've found buying the Mopar oil change packages with rotations to be a really good value, usually less than $35-$40 per change/rotate. I can't buy the oil and filter and the hour it takes to get/change/rotate/dispose for less.

A couple months ago I had to replace the oil cooler on the 200S w/ the V6. The job is tough enough that ensuring no cross-contamination of coolant into the oil and cleanliness in the engine valley led me to change the oil to ensure nothing bad would happen. I could not get the drain plug out of the pan with a combination wrench and had to cheat it off with a 2nd wrench.

Since I changed the oil, I checked the air filter. Every one of the filter housing bolts was stripped out. I know this is common as I's seen may oil change techs use the 1/4 impacts to remove and replace the bolts. This has me reconsidering the convenience vs assurance of quality balance. I checked and every one of my vehicles had the filter housing bolts stripped out, 2015 RAM, 200S, 2011 Charger.

The 2021 RAM has a free Oil Change due and it also came with a Forever Warranty if the dealership does the services. I'm tempted to make a placard for the filter housing with "DO NOT USE POWER TOOLS", but it would likely make no difference and probably make it worse. :rolleyes:
Thats the type of thing i am talking about. My work involves keeping things going longer than they should by all means. This involves cutting that ziptie that is tugging on the harness that is known to have issues. Or using 5w-30 in this engine because it has 220k miles and with 5w-20 it will come in for service low. The list of simple things to look for is endless. There is no better feeling when you will never have to hammer a wheel off on a rotate, worry about stuck brake pads in the supports or your door hinges squeaking. Lube is amazing and as you have seen most places are butchers.

Side note, oil coolers are failing left and right. Cant keep them on any of our 3.6’s right now. Great time to do plugs on your 200!
Shell Rotella Gas Truck synthetic 5W-20 and Wix Filter.. or NAPA platinum. I have trust issues with other people working on my truck. It's not their truck.. why should they care?
I was a loud and proud do it myself 'er for a long time. Then, dealership and maintenance provider consolidation happened and now it costs less to have the dealer do a full synthetic, premium filter and tire rotation than it costs me to do the same at home.

Could I spend my life clipping coupons like my Grandma did be able to say I can do it cheaper at home? I guess. Do I think I'd do a better job myself? Yes. Is my time worth quite a bit more than the young folks doing the job at the dealership? You're damn skippy it is, either spending time with the family or spending time working. My dealership has been excellent since I started with them in 2017 with my Jeep. I've had one issue (billing) and they took care of it immediately and gave me a free service for my inconvenience.

For the guys claiming to be "old timers" and blah blah blah "man card". I'm sure this is all in jest. Now, if you have a top fuel motor in your truck that needs a new top end every run and a complete lower as well after 5 then by all means, totally agree! DIY, otherwise, outsource the monotonous job and perhaps move to a nicer, less meth-head-ey community!


BTW - I would have voted 3k - 6k dealer premium synthetic ++. I like to rotate tires every 5k. It's always served me really well. I also treat my truck like a truck. It gets a workout when I'm towing. I was taught to run 'em hard and maintain 'em well. I know there's a camp that says anything inside of 10k - 15k is a waste of time and money given current machining tolerances and the quality of oils.
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