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Forward Collision Warning


New Member
Nov 9, 2018
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Hi all. I'm new to this site and a first time Ram owner. Bought a Limited and have a question about the FCW. I have the settings on but the truck doesn't seem to be responding/braking. The ACC works, but FCW doesn't seem to be. Anybody else having this issue?
Hi all. I'm new to this site and a first time Ram owner. Bought a Limited and have a question about the FCW. I have the settings on but the truck doesn't seem to be responding/braking. The ACC works, but FCW doesn't seem to be. Anybody else having this issue?

I have not had the truck all that long, but I have only gotten a FCW alert once. Granted I drive defensively and put more space in front of me than most people. The only alert I got was with a right turner in front of me that was rather slow to make the turn. I did not get any braking, only the beep and flash on the instrument panel. I think there was easily 20-30 feet and speeds were only about 25 mph.
I have not had the truck all that long, but I have only gotten a FCW alert once. Granted I drive defensively and put more space in front of me than most people. The only alert I got was with a right turner in front of me that was rather slow to make the turn. I did not get any braking, only the beep and flash on the instrument panel. I think there was easily 20-30 feet and speeds were only about 25 mph.
Thanks! I haven't had any warnings and feel like I've been in a similar situation as you've described. Just making sure there isn't something wrong and it's "not working."
owners manual starting on page 221 through 224 has a wealth of data.
Thank you! This is helpful. I had the User Guide and there is some info, but the OM has more detail. One more question, is the FCW icon always on in the cluster similar to LaneSense? Thanks again for all the feedback
I had to turn my active braking off, I felt it is just too touchy and quick to respond, I do drive a bit to aggressive though. There is a recall out to address the touchy brake issue U91 I believe. However I still get lots of beeps and dash warnings. I have mine set on medium.
Reverse is great, works really well. Forward doesn't alert in time for anything other than kissing your a$$ good-bye.
I have the same issue with my Limited, ACC works but not the FCW, I assume both systems use the same sensors so it's likely a software issue , haven't had it looked at yet, decided to wait until the first service, let us know if you find out hat the issue is
I've had it into service. They claim it works fine.... But I test it and get nothing.
Hi all. I'm new to this site and a first time Ram owner. Bought a Limited and have a question about the FCW. I have the settings on but the truck doesn't seem to be responding/braking. The ACC works, but FCW doesn't seem to be. Anybody else having this issue?
What setting are you on? Mine is on medium, and it works really, really well. While going thru a stoplight last week, someone decided to do a right on red, cutting right in front of me. Truck stopped so damn fast I thought I was going to eat the steering wheel. There was enough time for me to have stopped the truck, but not as fast and as sudden as the forward collision system does.
Got it set to "far" because I'm trying to make it as sensitive as possible. But, I've tried it on all 3 settings and it reacts (or doesn't react) the same.
Got it set to "far" because I'm trying to make it as sensitive as possible. But, I've tried it on all 3 settings and it reacts (or doesn't react) the same.
Me as well. I’ve tried all settings and I’ve yet to have the truck respond.
Mine is very sensitive. I've taken to turning it off when I'm driving unless I'm working in to a tight spot.
I find it works better on "med" than on "far"
Me as well. I’ve tried all settings and I’ve yet to have the truck respond.

Granted, I've only had the truck for a few days, but I'm experiencing the same thing. ACC works great but I haven't seen FCW do anything. I'm not sure if it's not working or if it's just not as sensitive as other vehicles I've driven with similar systems.
My F250's FCW only alarms when I'm approaching another vehicle rapidly and my brake is not engaged. If my foot is on the brake engaging then it does not necessarily alarm. I don't have a Ram yet but that's my experience with the 2017 F250.
I have mine on medium. I couldn't imagine having it on Far......I would think I'd get warnings all day. To be honest, I don't get a lot of alerts, which isn't a bad thing. But when I do, it's really helpful. Maybe I don't see that the traffic has stopped up ahead, for example. Or maybe I can't tell that the traffic is going so much slower than me.

But the only way you'll going to get a warning/flash on the screen is to truly have a situation where you possibly could collide with a car. Maybe it's easier to test with a 'far' setting, but I'm not brave enough to test that with a 'medium' setting. That setting just gives me enough time to react. And the time I wanted to test it, I chickened and tapped the brake. If you touch the brake, the system assumes you are 'reacting' and won't alert you. It'll stop you from crashing by applying the brake to help ...........but I wouldn't test that ;)
Hi all. I'm new to this site and a first time Ram owner. Bought a Limited and have a question about the FCW. I have the settings on but the truck doesn't seem to be responding/braking. The ACC works, but FCW doesn't seem to be. Anybody else having this issue?

I agree. My ACC works great. I just recently had the FCW set to far and it finally reacted when I was practically on top of the car in front. I think there is a software glitch with the distance settings for the FCW since my setting at far reacted as if the truck was set for near.
Here's a little light reading for everyone to explain how FCA has this setup.


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