I have a 2022....my truck is now in the dealer for the 3rd time for battery, no start issue.
First time, battery had 8 CCA instead of 800 so they replaced the battery. they blamed it on cold weather.
Next time it died it got towed in, when it was warm out....they found a ton of undervoltage codes and a ton of other transmission codes all covered under TSB's. They flashed all 3 major components and tested battery and it started fine.
Today I was at my cabin and after 4 days of sitting, opened truck door and all I heard was a single ding....my heart sank as I knew exactly WTF that meant. Tried to start..nothing.
Hooked my new Battery booster to the truck and it started throwing service needed codes for everything. Tried to start and it would crank but not start. After 2 tries of starting, my booster was absolutely drained. Exactly what happened with my old booster too (so I thought it was my booster..apparently not).
Now my truck is stuck 4.5 hours from me at a dealer as I had to come back to the city for work. Luckily my wife's vehicle was with us...it's been sitting for 3 weeks at the cabin and started just fine...sigh...
The only good thing is the tow cost them a pretty penny because the closest towing company was 45 minutes to me, 30 minutes to nearest dealer, and then 60 minutes back so I am sure that wasn't cheap for FCA

I get some small satisfaction out of that.
I figure a few more times of that and someone is going to start to pay attention to the problem....