I still have a 2000 Dodge Dakota I bought new. Got a Mopar extended warranty. Boy did I ever luck out there. Power steering pump went out while highway driving. under B2B @ 20k miles. Got it replaced and got a loaner for a week when I was 20 from the dealership. After that practically everything but the engine ended up getting replaced every few months over the years until 70K miles. I had a practically brand new truck after 6 years. Since then it has been rock solid aside from peeling paint. Mopar never batted an eye at any of the extended warranty charges or week+ loaners with thousand of miles on them. I was commuting 200+ miles a day at that time.
Find a good dealer. the dealers make the calls not mopar/FCA 90% of the time.
Find a good dealer. the dealers make the calls not mopar/FCA 90% of the time.