You should be aware that advertised HP and TQ gains are generally not what you will see in real life, they are based on carefully controlled circumstances and represent what the company calculates the max gains to be. Also, add-on power gains are not cumulative. For example: advertised 30 hp for CAI, advertised 30 hp for tuner, advertised 30 hp for headers, will not net you 90 more hp, you would more likely see less than half of that. Think of it this way: If the Pulsar could give you 30 more HP with a stock airbox and exhaust, then wouldn't the manufacturer install higher flowing exhaust and intake, and then advertise that higher power number?
Having said that, if you are wanting your truck to feel more responsive, and sound better, a combo of tuner, CAI and exhaust will definitely get you there. I am absolutely not bashing upgrades - I have never seen a stock vehicle that couldn't be made to perform better. I have been eying the Pulsar myself, knowing that every little change I do to my truck makes it that much more enjoyable. I say go for it, and let us know how you like it!