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Display said Shift to Park when Driving???

Walter Stiles

Active Member
Jul 28, 2020
Reaction score
Anyone’s display ever show “Shift to Park” while driving. Happened today at about 15-20MPH. I pulled over, parked, and turned the truck off and on. Everything seems to be normal now. No check engine lights displayed, only the “Shift to Park” on main display popped up. Maybe it’s possible I accidentally hit the +/- gear button?
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Not me. I just had to view this thread when I saw the title. I expected to see carnage from someone actually shifting to park while driving. :oops:
No fair....you edited the title....now I look stoopid! ;)

Then again, it's Friday night at 8:00, I'm at home with the wife, I've had two shots of tequila and 3 beers, so I probably look stupid anyway.

It's Friday 2/19/21, ignore me for the rest of the evening.
No fair....you edited the title....now I look stoopid! ;)

Then again, it's Friday night at 8:00, I'm at home with the wife, I've had two shots of tequila and 3 beers, so I probably look stupid anyway.
I’m sorry lol! I’m thinking I probably hit the gear buttons. I need a drink cause my wife is driving be crazy. 🤫
I’ve never had that message. Maybe the - shift button past first gear gets it?? Would have to try to see

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Still running. Didn’t shut off.

Not that I noticed, I’m sure I would have noticed that. I’m kinda OCD.
Well I’m all out of questions. I was trying to see if it was something like I’ve experienced I think before. Is your truck etorque?
No it’s not. Pretty lost myself, can’t find anything online. Other people I’ve asked said pushing the -/+ buttons wouldn’t cause that and others said it could if I was going to slow or fast... just took it around town and everything seems okay.
Short of taking it to the dealership, do you have a way of checking for error codes? I use one of these:

AmazonSmile: Veepeak OBDCheck BLE+ Bluetooth 4.0 OBD2 Scanner for iOS & Android, Car Diagnostic Code Reader Scan Tool for Universal OBDII/EOBD Vehicles: Automotive

And an app on my iPhone. If so, and there is one, search for the code to see what's wrong.

Here's hoping it's not FCA software developers putting random "let's see if I can get the owner to do something stupid" messages. Because that never happens. :)
I don’t have that, could take it to auto zone and see if they could check for error codes. There’s no way I’d throw it in park while driving. I did that once as a teen in my 84 prelude, lesson learned.
I don’t have that, could take it to auto zone and see if they could check for error codes. There’s no way I’d throw it in park while driving. I did that once as a teen in my 84 prelude, lesson learned.
It won’t let you do that anyway
Anyone’s display ever show “Shift to Park” while driving. Happened today at about 15-20MPH. I pulled over, parked, and turned the truck off and on. Everything seems to be normal now. No check engine lights displayed, only the “Shift to Park” on main display popped up. Maybe it’s possible I accidentally hit the +/- gear button?
This happened to me today. Now I am terrified to drive the stupid truck. I hate this truck nothing works in it. Did you get any answers about the issue? I am ready to go trade it in this weekend.
Goodmorning i have the same problem!!
A long time already!
Some body knows What the problem is ?
I've had that show up a few times. It's usually in the first minute or so when I'm first starting to drive, has never happened while driving. I usually stop, change to neutral, park and back to drive or some similar routine. I think the computer screws up, an anomaly, and sends out the wrong signal but has nothing to do with mechanics.
I've had that show up a few times. It's usually in the first minute or so when I'm first starting to drive, it has never happened while driving. I usually stop, change to neutral, park and back to drive or some similar routine. I think the computer screws up, an anomaly, and sends out the wrong signal but has nothing to do with mechanics.
Well, I can't say "has never happened while driving" anymore. Today I backed out of my driveway, shifted to drive, and was on my way for a 15 mile drive to my destination. After about 2 miles that "Shift to Park" message appeared. I was able to retire it by hitting the down arrow on the steering wheel as though I was changing EVIC screens. It repeated the message about every 2-3 miles and I could retire it by hitting either the up or down arrow. Maybe any button would retire it. I stopped at my destination and turned the truck off. Left to return home and the message did not appear again. Nor has it appeared on any trips since then.

There are no effects, no damages, no symptoms, and no codes. I still believe the computer just screws up, is just an anomaly, and it corrects with an ignition recycle. If it happened with any frequency I'd be concerned. For me, the last time this happened was months ago.

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