I tried two different approaches to see if I could help.
- I downloaded the AlphaOBD demo app and went thru the options. I did not see any way to disable the Bluetooth. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist--just means that I couldn't find it. It's easy to download yourself and look thru the options. Just search for "Alpha OBD Demo" in your favorite app store (ios or android).
- I tried the "cheap and dirty" of putting as much aluminum foil around the accessible area around the antenna. I couldn't enclose the antenna completely so this mostly just reflects the RF signal away from the passenger compartment (you need RF absorptive material to actually attenuate the signal). But it didn't help. My Bluetooth was still strong enough to work well. As a second test, I enclosed my cellphone entirely in aluminum foil. This cut off the Bluetooth connection by creating a Faraday cage. But this just proves that aluminum foil can work if it fully encloses an RF antenna. You would have to get behind the trim panel for this, and not quick to undo.
I do expect that physically disconnecting the antenna would prevent the RF energy from entering the passenger compartment, per ekaz's post. But then you would be forced to connect via USB if you want to have phone interact with Uconnect.