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Dealership Issues


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
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So I have no idea where to post this. Honestly at a loss for what to do and could use some advice. I've already dealt with a number of infuriating issues (that is a novel's worth on its own) with the dealer I chose to go with and as much as I love my truck I regret buying it where I did. It was shipped from factory September 2019. Purchased October. Then promptly traded back in January 2020. Sat on this dealer's lot for months before I stumbled across it in June.

I took delivery of my RAM July 3rd as the second owner, of a basically brand new truck. In the agreement I signed, I was supposed to receive a second key/fob. I did not receive it. Why? Because they did not take it back when the original owner traded it in. Is that weird to you guys or is it just me? As someone that came from out of town (an approx 12hr drive) it just felt off knowing some guy in the city had keys to my truck. But that's not really the issue. Sales guy acted at first as if he didn't know, then he was unsure if it even had a spare, and when I told him it literally says on the agreement that it does indeed come with a spare, he says, "oh yeah, the guy that traded it in must still have it. I can give him a call and ask him for it." At this point I was unaware the key wasn't at the dealer.

Again, I felt off. Gut told me to refuse delivery, but at this point it was already 2 days late (again, long story). Coming from out of town I was on a time crunch to get my *** back to work so when sales idiot says the other guy will bring it in, I agreed to come back the following Monday, as that's the when it would be brought in. Then Monday became Tuesday. Then Thursday. Last I heard from him that day was once it was brought in he would arrange for it to be shipped to me. Radio silence for a few days, then the following Tuesday a text confirming my shipping address. I was already back home. Cool, issue corrected. I thought.

Long story short here we are in September. Multiple texts and calls unanswered for weeks. Then a couple of weeks ago sales idiot finally messages me back. Says he no longer works at the dealership, and last he heard of it, the parts manager had it and was supposed to handle shipping. Low and behold, that guy doesn't work there anymore either. I know this because I've had three calls with the parts department between that last message and yesterday. All promising to get to the bottom of my missing key, and not a call back.

I know I'm an idiot for taking delivery when everything promised was not accounted for. Hindsight, I know. And I know it's JUST a spare fob. But, I'm here now and these azzhats are giving me the runaround. Passing off blame/responsibility to people that don't even work there anymore. My question is, what are my options? Does anyone know how to resolve issues like this? Hopefully its not something that has happened to many of you, but somebody out there must have an idea. Any advice would help.

Purchased from Derrick Dodge in Edmonton, AB Canada. Avoid like the plague. Google has some of their current/past employees leaving bullpoop reviews. I called one of them out because I had his number. Last I checked he removed his. Wouldn't be surprised if friends/family/SO's have gotten in on the act too. Top down, every single department is shady. A quick glance thru comments would've helped me avoid this place but I'm an idiot.
With other vehicles I have gone to my local dealer to get a part that I was supposed to have, and they'll charge the other dealer for it. Might be worth a try.
That sucks, your probably very limited on dealers where you are at. Edmonton must be a haul. Don't stop pestering them, become the squeaky wheel that can only be silenced by a new FOB.
Have a lawyer send them a notice to perform. If they don't go buy yourself a new keyfob at the most expensive place you can find and small claims them for it plus all costs where you live and wait for a check.
I can tell that you're invested in this issue, so this probably won't be a popular answer. But it's my opinion that you've had enough grief over this. A spare fob is not worth the stress it sounds like it's already caused you. My advice is to let it go and just buy a new one from ebay or some other source (other than dealer), get it programmed by a locksmith, and enjoy your new to you truck. At the end of the day, is this really worth the stress it's causing? Because I can tell you the dealership is not stressing over it. It's just you that's suffering.
So I have no idea where to post this. Honestly at a loss for what to do and could use some advice. I've already dealt with a number of infuriating issues (that is a novel's worth on its own) with the dealer I chose to go with and as much as I love my truck I regret buying it where I did. It was shipped from factory September 2019. Purchased October. Then promptly traded back in January 2020. Sat on this dealer's lot for months before I stumbled across it in June.

I took delivery of my RAM July 3rd as the second owner, of a basically brand new truck. In the agreement I signed, I was supposed to receive a second key/fob. I did not receive it. Why? Because they did not take it back when the original owner traded it in. Is that weird to you guys or is it just me? As someone that came from out of town (an approx 12hr drive) it just felt off knowing some guy in the city had keys to my truck. But that's not really the issue. Sales guy acted at first as if he didn't know, then he was unsure if it even had a spare, and when I told him it literally says on the agreement that it does indeed come with a spare, he says, "oh yeah, the guy that traded it in must still have it. I can give him a call and ask him for it." At this point I was unaware the key wasn't at the dealer.

Again, I felt off. Gut told me to refuse delivery, but at this point it was already 2 days late (again, long story). Coming from out of town I was on a time crunch to get my *** back to work so when sales idiot says the other guy will bring it in, I agreed to come back the following Monday, as that's the when it would be brought in. Then Monday became Tuesday. Then Thursday. Last I heard from him that day was once it was brought in he would arrange for it to be shipped to me. Radio silence for a few days, then the following Tuesday a text confirming my shipping address. I was already back home. Cool, issue corrected. I thought.

Long story short here we are in September. Multiple texts and calls unanswered for weeks. Then a couple of weeks ago sales idiot finally messages me back. Says he no longer works at the dealership, and last he heard of it, the parts manager had it and was supposed to handle shipping. Low and behold, that guy doesn't work there anymore either. I know this because I've had three calls with the parts department between that last message and yesterday. All promising to get to the bottom of my missing key, and not a call back.

I know I'm an idiot for taking delivery when everything promised was not accounted for. Hindsight, I know. And I know it's JUST a spare fob. But, I'm here now and these azzhats are giving me the runaround. Passing off blame/responsibility to people that don't even work there anymore. My question is, what are my options? Does anyone know how to resolve issues like this? Hopefully its not something that has happened to many of you, but somebody out there must have an idea. Any advice would help.

Purchased from Derrick Dodge in Edmonton, AB Canada. Avoid like the plague. Google has some of their current/past employees leaving bullpoop reviews. I called one of them out because I had his number. Last I checked he removed his. Wouldn't be surprised if friends/family/SO's have gotten in on the act too. Top down, every single department is shady. A quick glance thru comments would've helped me avoid this place but I'm an idiot.
Sorry to hear about your issues. Pls post your experience here:

I can tell that you're invested in this issue, so this probably won't be a popular answer. But it's my opinion that you've had enough grief over this. A spare fob is not worth the stress it sounds like it's already caused you. My advice is to let it go and just buy a new one from ebay or some other source (other than dealer), get it programmed by a locksmith, and enjoy your new to you truck. At the end of the day, is this really worth the stress it's causing? Because I can tell you the dealership is not stressing over it. It's just you that's suffering.
I kind of agree with you. At some point, the peace of mind is worth more than the cost of a second key. You can also try making public (negative) reviews online. That usually elicits a prompt response.
I hate to say it, but based on my experience with FCA dealers, get used to being disappointed. The trucks might be a "Ram" and mostly great but the dealerships are stuck in the past and earn the "Dodge" name. This is one reason why I think the 100k Jeep Grand Wagoneer is going to fail. People buying a Dodge Journey or Fiat 500 don't have high expectations for dealer service. People spending 50, 70, or 100k do however expect more.
It is possible @RamCares could help.

However, unless this fob was listed as owed to the customer or you have some other proof other than verbal words, you took delivery of what was promised.
With other vehicles I have gone to my local dealer to get a part that I was supposed to have, and they'll charge the other dealer for it. Might be worth a try.
So I just did this and the parts guy there was like, "of course you're having trouble with Derrick" and proceeded to roast me about my poor choice of dealer. Seems they have dealt with many disgruntled customers coming from the crap dealer I did.

Unfortunately what you suggested is not an option and he advised me not to buy one from them until I speak with Derrick, just in case I get caught standing around with the bill. Instead he gave me great advice. He printed a quote for a new fob (they had one in stock, the other idiots do not) + install. He instructed me to go to them and have them either miraculously find the missing spare, OR have them fork out the coin for (Capital Chrysler "the good guys") to replace it for me. If they refused to do either, he said I should call up FCA Canada and cause a big stink. If they open an investigation on Derrick, they'll almost assuredly have to pay.

I just got back from Idiot Town and guess what? The parts manager tried making it seem like I was conning them. Basically accused me of trying to get a free fob. So next step is contacting FCA cause wtf man? I'm the victim here.
That sucks, your probably very limited on dealers where you are at. Edmonton must be a haul. Don't stop pestering them, become the squeaky wheel that can only be silenced by a new FOB.
Did this. Most if not all the parts guys know my # now. They have resorted to putting me on hold until the line just goes dead. It's literally all I could do for the last 2 months because I live so far away.
I kind of agree with you. At some point, the peace of mind is worth more than the cost of a second key. You can also try making public (negative) reviews online. That usually elicits a prompt response.
I'm definitely going to add my public views on them in the near future here. Not that it seems to help because they just flood Google with fake reviews from their cousins sisters aunt twice removed. Ten fold. It's sickening that they could get away with this BS tactic to counteract the real reviews exposing their shady dealings.

And while I agree with you about just moving on, the A-Hole part of me I buried when I left the auto industry can't let it go.
It is possible @RamCares could help.

However, unless this fob was listed as owed to the customer or you have some other proof other than verbal words, you took delivery of what was promised.
I don't have the agreement on me as it's at home, but it was written that I was due 2 fobs on delivery. I stupidly signed the delivery checklist because I assumed both keys were on the premises. Definitely shouldn't have.

Even with it being a trade in, what were they thinking advertising it as having 2 fobs when they didn't even collect both when they took the truck in? False advertising? Them being idiots? I couldn't even register the truck for 2 days because it was still registered to the old owner! Like wtf?! It's been on the lot for 5-6 Months! I should've ran for the hills. But hey, hopefully someone can learn from all this.
Dealerships and insurance companies are all the same. Before the purchase everything is all smiles and laughter. But once you have a issue, no matter how small your public enemy number one! And nothing is ever their responsibility. Hopefully it works out. I’d want the 2nd fob, just Incase you lock yourself out. Bottom line is all dealerships suck. I’ve had great experience and bad experience with the same dealerships.

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Not surprised. I always trade in my vehicles and half the time they act surprised that I remembered to bring the second key fob and/or the title. A key fob programmed is like what $300 or so? Doesn't seem the hassle to try and fight for one, I would just eat the cost and move on with lesson learned for next time.
And while I agree with you about just moving on, the A-Hole part of me I buried when I left the auto industry can't let it go.
Fair enough, I get it. Best of luck with this! I hope in the end it comes out in your favor. (y)

I don't have the agreement on me as it's at home, but it was written that I was due 2 fobs on delivery. I stupidly signed the delivery checklist because I assumed both keys were on the premises. Definitely shouldn't have.

Even with it being a trade in, what were they thinking advertising it as having 2 fobs when they didn't even collect both when they took the truck in? False advertising? Them being idiots? I couldn't even register the truck for 2 days because it was still registered to the old owner! Like wtf?! It's been on the lot for 5-6 Months! I should've ran for the hills. But hey, hopefully someone can learn from all this.
Agreed, your mistake was signing the delivery checklist before you had both fobs in hand. Like AZHUND said, it's been rare when a dealership has asked for the second key/fob when I've traded in vehicles. And honestly, I still have a couple sets of keys from cars I traded in years or decades ago. But that was mostly back when they were cheap to replace. And when I do supply both sets, they're usually pretty surprised by it. It's kind of the nature of used cars IMO. But if you have a deal with the seller to provide two fobs, as was clearly the case here, they need to honor that, even if they have to provide a new one because the person who traded it in didn't give them both fobs. I don't see what the big deal is for this dealership. If eating the cost of a new fob will bankrupt them, they shouldn't be in business. I won't even go into the importance of good customer service, which a lot of dealerships don't seem to understand.
This may be the obvious choice but have you called and spoke to a manager? Voice your displeasure with their lack of organization and follow up between employee turn over and say you are willing to email a copy of the agreement stating you need another key and have them ship it to you. This all works fine if they actually have the key if not I would think you need to go to a dealer. If that is the case tell them they can pay for another local dealer to program a new fob for you as you are not driving 24 hours back and forth over a $400 key fob that was promised to you.
Call me petty. Contacted FCA Canada. As well as AMVIC for reasons beyond just a spare key fob.


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