No, you did not get a great deal.
I hope you are not tainted by the responses you got. You asked though. I tell my guys at work to not discuss salary. Why? Because one day Jimmy-Joe is happy as can be thinking he is making good money and his poop doesn't stink. Then he find out that Billy-Bob is making more. Of course he thinks he is way smarter than Billy-Bob and worth much more because he has a couple more letters in his signature block (P.E., PSP, etc. You know how engineers are....) Now Jimmy-Joe is all butt hurt. If he had minded his own business he could have remained content thinking he is better than everyone else.
Moral here is, if you got a deal you can afford and are happy with the truck, enjoy! Screw what Billy-Bob got and enjoy your new truck like Jimmy-Joe should have. I mean preparation-H is too expensive these days to be butt hurt!