CLOSED: Ram Shuts Down Reservations For 1500 REV Electric Pickup!
Reservation Are Halted Only After Being Active For 5 Days...

Ram’s decision to close reservations for its upcoming 2025 Ram 1500 REV pickup truck just five days after opening order books could be seen as a positive sign for the company, indicating strong demand for its electric truck. However, without knowing the exact number of reservations made, it’s difficult to gauge just how popular the 1500 REV is with consumers.

CLOSED: Ram Shuts Down Reservations For 1500 REV Electric Pickup!
Ram's decision to close reservations for its upcoming 2025 Ram 1500 REV pickup truck just five days after opening order books could be seen as a positive sign for the company, indicating strong demand for its electric truck. However, without knowing the exact number of reservations made, it's...