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Climate control temp is off

For what it’s worth I think it is a dumb way to operate a HVAC system. On my 2014 Longhorn that I traded for this one, it didn’t mater what the outside temp was, what the ambient temp was, if it was sunny or cloudy etc… if I set the temp to 70 then it blew at 70ish. I always run the AC and recirculate during summer (I live in Houston too much humidity). I prefer to make my own decisions and not have my truck decide for me 😂.
Oh well I guess this old dog will need to learn a new trick.
I agree. I have other cars that operate nothing like this. If I set my ac to 70, I get luke warm air out of the vents.
We will have to agree to disagree. Good luck with the dealer, I bet every thing will check out fine since it is working properly.
It may be normal on these truck but I agree with what was said above, stupid design. If its 60 degrees outside and I want 70 degrees, I don't need 100 degree heat blowing on me until the vehicle reaches 70. Non of my other vehicles operate like this. And this is in manual mode. manual mode means just that, manual.
It may be normal on these truck but I agree with what was said above, stupid design. If its 60 degrees outside and I want 70 degrees, I don't need 100 degree heat blowing on me until the vehicle reaches 70. Non of my other vehicles operate like this. And this is in manual mode. manual mode means just that, manual.
My 2020 Ram doesn't operate like that.
I have an appointment for this and other issues next Wednesday. I’ll report back then.
Hey @wsutard1 , wondering how you made out with your appointment? I am in the only-blasts-hot-air club. I DO NOT use auto, and still I seem to have zero control changing the temperature in this truck. I've had it set to 61, thermo showed 72 with 81 degree air from the vents. I've had heat blasting as high as 145 degrees, it's wild. And "normal" according to dealer...I think not??
Hey @wsutard1 , wondering how you made out with your appointment? I am in the only-blasts-hot-air club. I DO NOT use auto, and still I seem to have zero control changing the temperature in this truck. I've had it set to 61, thermo showed 72 with 81 degree air from the vents. I've had heat blasting as high as 145 degrees, it's wild. And "normal" according to dealer...I think not??
Definitely not normal. The dealer couldn’t find any service reports to tell them how or what to fix. But I showed them a video of the temp set at 68 and the ambient at 81 and climbing. They believed me that it was messed up but didn’t know where to start. But then the tech did some searching on a tech only ram forum and found a post where other techs described the same issues. They said Ram engineers were communicating and actively working on a software fix. The hope is that the software fix is available when I go back to get my new ANC amp. We will see. For now I just constantly switch from 67 to 66 keeping it off Auto. That seems to at least give me some intermittent control.
Definitely not normal. The dealer couldn’t find any service reports to tell them how or what to fix. But I showed them a video of the temp set at 68 and the ambient at 81 and climbing. They believed me that it was messed up but didn’t know where to start. But then the tech did some searching on a tech only ram forum and found a post where other techs described the same issues. They said Ram engineers were communicating and actively working on a software fix. The hope is that the software fix is available when I go back to get my new ANC amp. We will see. For now I just constantly switch from 67 to 66 keeping it off Auto. That seems to at least give me some intermittent control.
Funny how alot of people on here said this is normal operation. I have never had a car where I put my ac to 70 and it would blow 90-100 degrees out of the vents, in manual mode, no matter what the temp was outside. Definitely an issue on these trucks.

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