went in for my first oil change .... 4,700 miles and the trk has not missed a beat .... 35 miles to the dealer and talked to the service manager ... service tech went out to bring it in for the oil change, would not start, service manager went out to bring it in, would not start, they called me out to start the trk and it would turn over but acted like it was not getting gas and would not start, i tried it 3 times ... GREAT timing, it happened for the first time AT the dealer for them ..... the salesman i got it from went out to try and start it and it STARTED .... they gave me a loaner jeep and i went on my way ..... 7 hrs later i called to check on it and the service manager said it did NOT throw any codes and they could NOT figure out what was wrong, he checked all the TSBs and Star cases and found nothing like this happening before ..... so, i picked up my trk and am now waiting for the next shoe to drop
another thought after re-reading this thread ...... what IF the service tech picked up the WRONG key fob from the rack and went out to my trk to bring it in, trk sent signal and fob did NOT respond with the right code, so the trk would turn over but NOT start, service manager took the fob from service tech and tried to start my trk with same results, got me and handed me the fob with the same results .... took fob and hung it on the rack ... salesman goes to rack and gets MY key fob from the group hanging there and my trk starts .... dealer could not find anything wrong ..... i have the trk back and it has started with no problems at least 2 dozen times ..... just thinking .......