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Brand new orderd truck picked up 8/13 but quality control terrible.


Jul 9, 2022
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Good afternoon, I ordered a new ram 1500 longhorn in May and it landed at my dealer on Monday 8/8. For the record this is a truck with an 82k sticker price, not that that should matter. I got a text the day it was coming off the truck from my sales man as he knew I was eagerly awaiting my new truck. I swung by that evening after work just to take a look knowing it would be days before I could pick her up. She was everything I had imagined except some issues I could see even still covered in the shipping plastic. There was a chip in the paint on the bed just under the rambox lid right down to the bare metal. Also a 1inch cut in the leather on the dash just above the center gauge cluster. Now I know these two things probably happened during shipping but the next did not. There was also overspray from what looked to be the spray in bedliner all over the rear of the cab including up the cab corner. This was all I could see at this point, fast foward to the day I pickup the truck 8/13. I am excited to take my new truck home, I looked at the truck quickly and also knew there was going to be a trip to the body shop scheduled to repair the deep chip in the bedside and fix/ replace the dash pad. After paperwork completed and the drive back home I walk over to the passenger side of the truck to open the door for my wife and there is a high pitch rubbing noise. I looked down at the door with itall of the way open and the lower part of the front door is making contact with the front 1/4 panel, there is also some paint removed from the panel stuck on the edge of the door. Well just great another issue, this one is definitely chrysler and lack of quality control. I call my sales man and explain what I have found, this also will need to be repaired on the visit to the body shop. The dealer called me with a date for dropping off the truck and picking up a loaner for the trucks visit to the body shop. Monday 8/22, now just before I drop off the truck on a nice sunny day "sun facing the front of the vehicle " I give it a look over. I find two more problems. There is what looks like sand under the paint on the hood of the truck right in the front smack in the middle of the hood, you can not only see it but feel it with your hand. Also there is a decent size piece of debris under the paint on the front bumper right on the top of it, once again poor quality control on chrysler's part. I let the dealership know my findings when I drop the truck off and now I wait. I get a call the truck will be ready for pickup on 9/3. I go to the dealership to pickup the truck, this time it is parked in the sun bit the sun is facing the rear of the truck. I give the truck a once over and find more.. The sand on the hood is now gone bit there is a 5 inch blue line in the paint under the clear coat which cannot be removed by solvents. Also while walking around the truck my wife notices a large run in either the paint or Clear coat on the tailgate which you can also feel with your hand. The passenger door is now adjusted properly but the paint from the fender is still on the door and the missing paint on the fender is still missing. So another trip back to the body shop is needed and once again I will still not have my new truck. I am awaiting for a drop-off date again, this has been a frustrating experience to say the least. I am a repeat customer of chrysler and there quality control on this one is not so great. I have pictures of all of the above issues, I hope others don't have the same luck with their new vehicles.
Good afternoon, I ordered a new ram 1500 longhorn in May and it landed at my dealer on Monday 8/8. For the record this is a truck with an 82k sticker price, not that that should matter. I got a text the day it was coming off the truck from my sales man as he knew I was eagerly awaiting my new truck. I swung by that evening after work just to take a look knowing it would be days before I could pick her up. She was everything I had imagined except some issues I could see even still covered in the shipping plastic. There was a chip in the paint on the bed just under the rambox lid right down to the bare metal. Also a 1inch cut in the leather on the dash just above the center gauge cluster. Now I know these two things probably happened during shipping but the next did not. There was also overspray from what looked to be the spray in bedliner all over the rear of the cab including up the cab corner. This was all I could see at this point, fast foward to the day I pickup the truck 8/13. I am excited to take my new truck home, I looked at the truck quickly and also knew there was going to be a trip to the body shop scheduled to repair the deep chip in the bedside and fix/ replace the dash pad. After paperwork completed and the drive back home I walk over to the passenger side of the truck to open the door for my wife and there is a high pitch rubbing noise. I looked down at the door with itall of the way open and the lower part of the front door is making contact with the front 1/4 panel, there is also some paint removed from the panel stuck on the edge of the door. Well just great another issue, this one is definitely chrysler and lack of quality control. I call my sales man and explain what I have found, this also will need to be repaired on the visit to the body shop. The dealer called me with a date for dropping off the truck and picking up a loaner for the trucks visit to the body shop. Monday 8/22, now just before I drop off the truck on a nice sunny day "sun facing the front of the vehicle " I give it a look over. I find two more problems. There is what looks like sand under the paint on the hood of the truck right in the front smack in the middle of the hood, you can not only see it but feel it with your hand. Also there is a decent size piece of debris under the paint on the front bumper right on the top of it, once again poor quality control on chrysler's part. I let the dealership know my findings when I drop the truck off and now I wait. I get a call the truck will be ready for pickup on 9/3. I go to the dealership to pickup the truck, this time it is parked in the sun bit the sun is facing the rear of the truck. I give the truck a once over and find more.. The sand on the hood is now gone bit there is a 5 inch blue line in the paint under the clear coat which cannot be removed by solvents. Also while walking around the truck my wife notices a large run in either the paint or Clear coat on the tailgate which you can also feel with your hand. The passenger door is now adjusted properly but the paint from the fender is still on the door and the missing paint on the fender is still missing. So another trip back to the body shop is needed and once again I will still not have my new truck. I am awaiting for a drop-off date again, this has been a frustrating experience to say the least. I am a repeat customer of chrysler and there quality control on this one is not so great. I have pictures of all of the above issues, I hope others don't have the same luck with their new vehicles.
so sorry you have so many issue
I am tagging @RamCares

but i have some questions
why did you take truck without going over it?
do you have everything in writing that will get fixed?
make sure you take pictures of the issues because sooner than later the dealer is going to push back.
Holy crap. That’s terrible. Sorry you have to deal with that. Never heard of such a lack of quality control. Must have been some disgruntled employees. How else can that be explained?😲
Holy crap. That’s terrible. Sorry you have to deal with that. Never heard of such a lack of quality control. Must have been some disgruntled employees. How else can that be explained?😲
Paint is all done by robots, so unless someone pissed the robots off, not a disgruntled employee. Door adjustment would be a factory worker.
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Oh man that sucks, but why would you take delivery with that many issues? I spent a crazy amount of time walking around mine and inspecting it before it left the lot.
Those issues sound suspiciously like repairs made after the truck was built. There have been instances of vehicles getting damaged post-build but pre-delivery, you might start asking some questions to that end. Either way, sucks that your new vehicle showed up in such a way.
I would force them to to a re-build.

It definitely sounds like it was damaged in transit and the dealership did some repairs before you even saw it.
I work hard for my money and 82k, or anywhere even close to that is a boat load of money, and should be able to buy you something perfect, not with flaws a 30k truck wouldn't even have.

I looked over my truck and saw some problems but I couldn't see everything up pickup. There is also an expectation that a special build truck would be "perfect" so you would assume most of the regular things like doors opening properly would of been checked.

It's funny you talk about pain chipped near the rambox area, I had the selling dealership adjust my passenger Rambox before I even signed my paperwork as I could see it was going to damage the paint, it (wasn't chipped YET)
I was rushed on delivery day, the wife and kids were with me and getting restless. I admit I definitely should have looked over it better before signing papers and that is definitely my fault, I was caught up in the moment of driving my new truck home. This is a very expensive vehicle, the most expensive by far I have ever purchased in my life. I work very hard for my money and wanted a nice vehicle like this the family could enjoy. The few things I did notice before I took it were noted as repairs owed by the dealership on the contract. I do not believe the dealership had anything to do with repairs to damage after delivery as they sent me pictures of it coming off the truck that morning and I went to look at it that same evening. They do not have a body shop on-site. Like I said I am a repeat customer, this is my 5th ram 1500 the last being a 2019. This is the first and most expensive vehicle I ever ordered just as I wanted it and am disappointed with the many issues. That being said I love the truck, the ride, interior and everything else about it. The dealership has been very understanding and helpful thus far and want to make things right with the truck.
Paint is all done by robots, so unless someone pissed the robots off, not a disgruntled employee. Door adjustment would be a factory worker.
I was talking about the quality checks. There’s no excuse for any of that leaving the factory and getting shipped.
I ran into some of the same issues when I picked up my 22. Overspray from the bedliner on the back of the bed that was covering the PPF. Not real bad but it was there. Either nobody checks the finished job or they just don't care. They figure someone else will deal with it later. Door gaps and tailgate gaps are off. Again not bad but you can see the difference. Found a deep scratch in my back passenger door a few hours after I left the dealer (was raining when I picked it up so I didn't notice). Happy with the truck for the most part but I agree, the quality control isn't there at all.
Push back as hard and loud as you can. You will never have anymore leverage than you do now. Get the Ram rep into the dealership and point out every problem. Previous poster is right, dealer will soon throw up his hands and say he's done.
Paint is all done by robots, so unless someone pissed the robots off, not a disgruntled employee. Door adjustment would be a factory worker.
with the evolving AI levels...it's only a matter of time when that is actually possible! :ROFLMAO:
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Somebody needs to find that robot and kick him in the nuts and bolts.
I’m running 5 robots right now. Believe me they deserve a kick in the nuts and bolts every once in awhile. As far as robots creating quality issues it happens all the time. They’re only as smart as the person programming them.

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