I didn’t take pics

I’ll send you a couple today of the completed job. I picked up the LED tape lights from Superbright LEDs, screenshot below. I figured the easiest way to tap into the light circuit was at the end of all the lights switches etc to try to keep it simple. I have reasonable electrical ability, but, didn’t want to find my self in the middle of a switch circuit that messed with an electronic control module of any kind. So, I pulled the passenger side tail light out and found the wires going to the factory bed light on the passenger side (the one without the switch).
To be able to work on it I unplugged the connector under the the truck and popped the cable clamps out of the frame. Then I pulled the tail from the bed light up and out the taillight recess so I could easily get to it. Simple tap of the red and black wires inside the wrap. Rather than crimp or use tap connectors I soldered, heat shrinked each connection separately and then a final large heat shrink over the whole connection. (Yea, I’m anal! But I’m used to doing stuff on my boat and moisture on electrical connections....not good) Anyway, I tapped in two tails one for the passenger side and one for the driver side. I ran the tails for the new LEDs out from under the bed thru existing holes below the factory lights, need to pick up a couple grommets at the local hardware store today. Then soldered the tails to the light strip tails and heat shrinked those connections. The driver side tail is fed across under the bed along the same route as existing factory wiring. The physical mounting of the new strips is simple, 3M adhesive comes on the tape ready to go. The existing length is perfect to place on the underside of the silver factory rails. Used a quick wipe of acetone on each rail before sticking them on. Then run the wires behind the BedRug to the tails I spliced in. Make sure you keep the polarity right (red s and blacks) or they won’t work. Little time consuming, but no issues. Careful pulling out the taillight, 2 push connectors and 2 torx screws. Then pull it straight out the back. There’s 2 little tabs on the front edge of the light, that you don’t want to break off.