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Anyone know what kind of bolt this is

These have been around for a long time. A 6 point socket will fit on them too.
found this on the Ram-TRX forum from Viperjim

”And be extra careful with the rear bolts as the nut pockets are floating if you cross thread one , take your time trying to get it out as it is a square piece of steel that rides in 2 channels. If the corners of that pice get rounded you will have to try and pry something under the seat rail to put pressure on it to remove the bolt. There is no access holes under the underbody seat rail to try and replace that and then you’ll have to use your brain to try and figure out how to tighten it or loosen it. SO AGAIN BE VERY CAREFUL ON THREADING IT AND DONT USE AN IMPACT!!!! Use a racket and socket and go slow as to not jerk the nut pocket as it may bypass the corners of that piece of steel.”

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