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Adaptive Cruse Control

Han Ridge

Active Member
Jun 6, 2018
Reaction score
I am preparing for a 2 week camping trip and went to pick up my small (3K lbs) R-Pod camper this morning which we store about 50 miles away from our home. It was the first time I used the Adaptive Cruse Control (ACC). I tow at 65 mph so I set the ACC and dropped behind a truck doing about the same speed and just cruised along. ACC along with Lane Assist makes towing on the highway so effortless. I highly recommend getting ACC if you plan much cross county driving.
Towing a heavy trailer (6k - 8k) this could be a white knuckle experience using ACC if you do not believe , just try it ..Probably need to put seat covers on drivers seat first..
I had no issues with my ACC and my TT (5,645 lbs dry weight...closer to 6.5k loaded). In fact, I felt the same way as the OP...it made for a very easy drive on moderately flat Interstates.

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