Hi all, been in market and reading this site for months now, excited to be a part of the community soon. The negotiated from MSRP topic has been helpful. Here’s my situation.
Buying in next weekish(end of month or potentially waiting to see feb rebates). I know what I want options wise.
Big Horn crew cab
Level 2
LED lights
Pano roof (can’t go without)
Black/grey/white in color any will work
8.4 screen
No axle ratio preference
I have a few options used, 2019 with around 20k miles that fit the needs. Prices on them are all around 38k, with negotiation probably 37ish some maybe a little less.
Now I have also shopped new but I have twins coming (hence need for bigger truck ha) so my absolute max budget is 42 before TTL. I see new models same options for about 44ish but not knowing feb rebates it’s unknown where that price may go. I know market is crazy right now, new and used. Should I just pull the trigger on a good used and be done with it or try to ride out new rebates and hope to see prices go down or more negotiable in February? I’m in Illinois and don’t want to travel more than a few hours to purchase.
Thanks in advance!