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2022 Big Horn Speaker Upgrade Nightmare!!


Active Member
Oct 19, 2023
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First, I still can't find a separate 'Audio' section here in the 5th Gen Forums... it sure would be nice if there was one, would make looking for audio related questions/answers a lot easier.

So, I got my Skar Audio TX69s and TX35s the other day... along with the Metra 72-6514 adapters for my 2022 Big Horn. Got all my tools out last night since the weather was decent... "sweet, let's knock this out"!! Nope. First, the 3.5" speaker adapters are not the 72-6514s... didn't know that, even from reading a bunch of posts on audio system/speaker upgrades here and other forums. So, since I couldn't put those in... onto the door 6x9's.

Second, as some have shared... the Metra 72-6514s have the polarity reversed. Ugh. Can't someone have fixed this by now?!? I thought, screw it... I'll solder the wires on... for a better connection anyways. Third, I go to actually put the speaker into the mounting position... it DOESN'T FIT!?! WTF??? The speaker itself is too big. The 'basket' part, where it starts to curve out from the flat part is about 1/2" too long, length-wise. Jesus.

Fourth, I noticed the front dash speakers (3.5") were 8 ohms... what?!? I thought folks were saying everything was 2 ohms, and when changing to 4, you'd need more power to drive them for loudness? Seems odd for an 8 ohm to be in a modern vehicle nowadays.

I came to the conclusion that I need to try some spacers... another thing I didn't know. I read the Skar Audio 6x9's were "drop in" ready. Very frustrating to say the least... as I didn't get anything done.

I got spacers and Red Wolf front dash speaker adapters on order (the correct ones)... hoping to complete the install Saturday or Sunday. These speakers better sound good for all I'm going through here!! 🙄🤞🤞

Hope some of this info helps others... so they don't go down the same road I did and waste 2+hrs.


P.S. For the life of me, I couldn't get the handle release cable to come out of the door panel. I've watched numerous YT videos on how to remove the door panels, but my 22' doesn't have the 2 'tabs' to squeeze together to remove the cable, then twist the silver end to remove. So I had to get the speaker out and in with resting the door panel on the running board... which is next to impossible.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


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If I remember right, each system is different OHMs. So, the basic system probably is 8 OHMs.
dash speakers 8ohm
door speakers 2ohm

This is on the base 6-speaker system....FaitalPro 3fe22 3" 8ohm are amazing for the money in the dash especially if you don't wanna add an amp...Infinity is a popular choice for the doors since they're so efficient.

This is the setup I have in mine actually and it's most definitely a huge improvement. Also added a powered 10" JL sub under the rear seat.
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dash speakers 8ohm
door speakers 2ohm

This is on the base 6-speaker system....FaitalPro 3fe22 3" 8ohm are amazing for the money in the dash especially if you don't wanna add an amp...Infinity is a popular choice for the doors since their so efficient.

This is the setup I have in mine actually and it's most definitely a huge improvement. Also added a powered 10" JL sub under the rear seat.
Did you disable the noise cancellation?
I never noticed any difference when I removed the ANC in my truck. But I have a Rebel and I'm sure it's noisier than the regular trucks. Disconnect it and drive around and see if you can tell the difference.
ANC is trash to put in any vehicle to begin with. They want to cut down on road noise, deaden the vehicle.
Has anyone noticed any disadvantages to bypassing your ANC? I want to add a sub but am skeptical about bypassing the ANC.
Just bypass the ANC, there are a bunch of them on the market. ANC is a waste to begin with, if they want to reduce road noise then just deaden the truck.
I replaced all but the dash speakers because the new ones overpowered the doors
I just changed out the 6.5” speakers I installed in previously. I have installed Sundown 6.5” components in the front of mine, have 3.5” speakers from Sundown arriving today and Sundown 6X9 coaxial being delivered later this week. All will be ran off of my LC-4.800. Then planning to change out the subs and possibly the sub-enclosure as well.

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In the base 6 speaker system the doors and the dash are basically component speakers on the same channel. Connected together and ohmed out from the plug at the ANC I read aprox 2 ohms. I ended up using the Infinitys all the way around and installed 4ohm resisters inline on the positive side of the 3.5" infinitys, which were 4 ohm. I have clear sound from all the speakers but there is still something missing coming from the base head unit, and the amusing 3 band equalizer can't fix it. I have a small Kicker amp coming with a 40 channel DSP. I am convinced that without a DSP or DSR what you can do by just changing the speakers is limited. Not looking for audiphile quality, just decent sound. What I have sounds extremely good with some music, but lacks in other areas.
I was >< close to getting an audiocontrol amp and I think the accubass system would add substantially to the sound because this factory head unit seems to want to drop off the bass when played at higher levels. With the factory system when I would play at louder levels it also seemed the volume would drop off after a minute or two. I don't seem to have that happening now and I wonder if it was the ANC doing it.

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