These two things are absolutely connected; reading a lot of reviews for the 19’, a lot of valid criticism is lobbed at Ram for keeping the advanced safety tech out of reach of lower trims, to say nothing of not including it standard. A mid-level Honda Civic gets it standard!
That said, Market pressures are clearly playing a hand here: this year the truck is the darling of the industry, but things move FAST in full size truck land. To wit, the Tacoma has had the feature since the 18 MY, and 2020’s will get the addition of the gods-eye surround cameras.
In general, Ram is competing hard with BMW in the “Package level shell game” Olympics. Talking to a dealer yesterday, he couldn’t build (much less find in inventory) a truck that had Auto cruise AND black tube steps; only chrome or folding were options. It blocked out black steps. WTF? I get some things like the saftey features being all interconnected tech, but come on, if I’m BUILDING a truck, why is that a problem? I’m not paying 7k for crap I don’t need, to get to the 2k worth of options I do.
Personally, I’m now in the boat of considering waiting a year for the 2020’s myself, given the potential for them to curb some of the package level ‘shell games a bit. Seeing trucks like the ancient taco getting these features should be a wake up call (I have a 16’Taco coming off lease, trust me, it’s an old soul). Plus, now that the heat has come off the 2019’s a bit, they need to keep momentum into 2020.