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Search results

  1. R

    White Rebel + Bronze Fuel Rebel Wheels + Falken Wildpeak HT/02 + Stock Ride Height

    They are 18" wheels. I had purchased the tires to use with the stock wheels before I decided to get new wheels a short time later.
  2. R

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Got these Fuel Off-Road wheels other day. 🤘🏽
  3. R

    Anyone running Falken Wildpeak HT/02's?

    Thank you! Update soon haha. 275/70r18
  4. R

    Tire Decision

    Go with the Falken. No complaints here whatsoever. Quiet and extremely comfortable.
  5. R

    White Rebel + Bronze Fuel Rebel Wheels + Falken Wildpeak HT/02 + Stock Ride Height

    Figured some of you might want to see what it looks like. I don’t go off-road too much, and when I do it’s nothing serious, so I opted to go with some highway tires when my factory tires started wearing down. The ride is appreciably smooth compared to stock. No lift, no leveling kit, no...
  6. R

    Anyone running Falken Wildpeak HT/02's?

    I run them. Just got some Fuel Rebel wheels, too. Love the feel of these tires. Very smooth but still look a little more aggressive than the typical street tire.
  7. R

    Dead Battery - Again, Last driven Sept 6, 2022

    Just wanted to chime in and add that I got my brand new 2020 Rebel at the end of 2020 and the battery died a few weeks ago when the colder temps came in. Jumped it twice to make sure it wasn't a fluke. 33k miles. Insane that it went out that quickly.
  8. R

    [Official Bright White Clear Thread] Let's see those Bright White trucks!

    Could you share the details on your setup, namely wheel and tire? I like the look! Beauty. I don't think I've seen a Larmie with that hoot (maybe I haven't been paying attention). It gives your truck the perfect mix of aggressive and sleek!
  9. R

    Front Window Tint % Preference

    I got quoted $375 with lifetime warranty for Rayno Ceramic Tint (going with 20% on fronts, 35% rears to try to get somewhat of a match). I'm in California, for what it's worth. Thoughts? It seems like a decent deal.
  10. R

    Aftermarket Wheels lets see them!

    Details on your lift?
  11. R

    Blackout vinyl for Rebel wheels?

    The link is to TVD's etsy, btw. Did you get these for your truck? Gloss or matte black?
  12. R

    Blackout vinyl for Rebel wheels?

    Hey, all, I wanted to see if anyone has done this and can post the link to a solid kit that I can purchase. I like the all black wheel look, and, in lieu of spending a few grand on some new wheels, I feel like this will help streamline the look of the truck just a bit. I've got these in the...
  13. R

    [Official Bright White Clear Thread] Let's see those Bright White trucks!

    Looks aggressive yet still clean. Digging it.
  14. R

    Post your avg MPG on your Rebel

    It won't be materially better, no. What I've noticed is that if you go above 70mph (depending on conditions, of course), mpg on these things tanks.
  15. R

    Increase posts per page?

    Who's an actual Admin here? Can we get some help? Every modern forum has this option. All you have to do is enable it so that we can all have the freedom to choose how many posts per page we'd like to browse at.
  16. R

    Price negotiated from MSRP

    That's what my father-in-law told me a good while back. It's good advice, as long as you're staying within your means, of course.
  17. R

    Post your Rebel pics!

    Killing it. You need to get front plate plugs, though, my man!
  18. R

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Nice! Our trucks should have come with these from the factory. I have no idea why they didn't.
  19. R

    Scratch in film between dual pane driver window?

    I'm thing that a darker window will make the light scratch more evident (when looking at it from the outside).