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  1. Rebel Chas

    What is the oil filter part number?

    Thank you, The pictures show 04892339BE (I bought six of the BE from Rockauto). I'm curious to know the details on the part updates.
  2. Rebel Chas

    Horn Issue

    https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/horn-was-not-working-dealer-replaced-the-pdc.59488/ Mine is still working, I have a sticky note on the dash to check it every time I use the truck (retired so I do not drive it everyday).
  3. Rebel Chas

    New icon appeared. Shopping, games, geocaching

    New annoying popup at 1st start each day. This disappears after 5 seconds or so. I touched the OK box we will see what happens tomorrow. These were added so that this discussion will show up in a text search for the next person. Marketing Notification Discover Appmarket
  4. Rebel Chas

    Horn was not working, Dealer replaced the PDC

    2023 Rebel with 7k miles, The horn started to be intermittent at 4k miles, it would work on warm days or after a 15 minute or so drive. Then at 6k it just stopped working altogether, took it to the dealer on appointment yesterday and have it back fixed this morning. They replaced the under...
  5. Rebel Chas

    Uconnect 5 12 inch screen

    On my 23 it is a subscription service ( that I have not used). Did you just pass 1 year of ownership?
  6. Rebel Chas

    OEM Jack and tools storage, I like the redesign so far

    My 03 3500 and 13 2500 both looked just like your photo. Unless they changed something on the underside to cover/protect the wingbolt ( 52021663AA) threads that protrude through the floor to the outside elements, they can still rust/seize in place. A very cheap simple fix would be to use a...
  7. Rebel Chas

    OEM Jack and tools storage, I like the redesign so far

    The on-line oem parts catalogs show the old design for the current 1500 classic body styles, also for the current 2500 and 3500, the HDs do take a different jack (a bottle style screw jack) . https://mopar.oempartsonline.com/oem-parts/mopar-pilot-screw-52021663aa? The same catalog site does not...
  8. Rebel Chas

    OEM Jack and tools storage, I like the redesign so far

    I was talking about the threads of the hold down screw, but appreciate the humor anyway.
  9. Rebel Chas

    OEM Jack and tools storage, I like the redesign so far

    I just checked the lug wrench and lug nut fit on the new truck, and I really like the redesign of the hold down system. On the old 2013 2500 the bottom of the hold down screw was exposed to the elements where it screwed through the floor under the passenger seat. On this new one, the bolt is...
  10. Rebel Chas

    Perform Service

    Check your Diesel supplemntal Owners manual. If you have just passed 67,500 Miles (108,000 km) it is reminding you to change your CCV. Join the TDR Turbo Diesel Register and order your CCV from www.genosgarage.com Anyone can order from Genosgarage (it is mostly Dodge/Ram Cummins...
  11. Rebel Chas

    Voltage issue

    Have you read this thread ? New Battery, no power to any thing I have to remember to check mine in the morning.
  12. Rebel Chas

    Voltage issue

    My default cluster display contains the Volt meter, I will continue to glance at it during all driving situations. I almost always disable the Start/Stop immediately after each start. 3,000 miles on truck.
  13. Rebel Chas

    New recall for backup cameras

    Before Build Number: FCA MY23.T25.48-PROD and Application version TTNAV26.3.0 After the Recall mine shows Build Number: FCA MY23.T27.46-PROD and Application version TTNAV28.3.0
  14. Rebel Chas

    New recall for backup cameras

    Recall 97A 23v-654 Adding these key words for those that might use them to search here. I have not noticed mine having this problem but, I'm now scheduled for Nov 2nd at the dealer.
  15. Rebel Chas

    Ram Introduces Havoc Special Edition Model For Its 2023 Rebel!

    I have had this one for 3 weeks now.
  16. Rebel Chas

    Post your Rebel pics!

    You nailed it!
  17. Rebel Chas

    Post your Rebel pics!

    Still getting use to the color, it does have certain advantages and disadvantages. My 8th Dodge/Ram pickup.