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  1. skyhawk42

    No Cold Air Intakes for 5th gen 3.6L???

    I have the afe one. Wife hated it because it was loud, even bought the optional cover and still too loud so I took it off after just 2 weeks of use. May be interested in selling it for cheap if someone is interested. I can take pics tonight if there is interest.
  2. skyhawk42

    Pedal commander vs Pedal max vs Banks vs...

    I rarely changed my pedal commander and it failed without touching it without notice. The banks has you covered against the possibility of failures. I can only speak from experience with pedal commander and banks, but in my opinion banks is far superior
  3. skyhawk42

    Pedal commander vs Pedal max vs Banks vs...

    Pedal commander put me in a very dangerous situation when it failed. It was out of warranty and I contacted them about how dangerous it was and they said they would give me $35 off the purchase of a new one or I could send it in to see if they could repair it at my expense. I ended up getting...
  4. skyhawk42

    Performance Pages on 2022 Limited 12 inch UC5

    I’ve reset mine and the longest they stay is 48hrs and then back to just having them in the cluster and not the radio
  5. skyhawk42

    Successful Upgrade - 2022 8.4 Uconnect 5 with NAV to 12 Uconnect 5 [with pictures]

    Someone else posted this on another thread: For the non responsive hvac bezel and stuck-on defrost, I needed to enable Dual zone temperature control with alfaobd, even though my truck does not have that functionality
  6. skyhawk42

    Successful Upgrade - 2022 8.4 Uconnect 5 with NAV to 12 Uconnect 5 [with pictures]

    Is it possible your truck has single zone climate and the screen/bezel is for dual zone?
  7. skyhawk42

    Successful Upgrade - 2022 8.4 Uconnect 5 with NAV to 12 Uconnect 5 [with pictures]

    That shows from 19 up, so might be for uc4. Try checking for continuity like the pic above. If the pins are out of order it won’t work.
  8. skyhawk42

    Successful Upgrade - 2022 8.4 Uconnect 5 with NAV to 12 Uconnect 5 [with pictures]

    When I first did mine the screen didn’t come on either. Jimmy07 had me check continuity on the ldvs cable. There is a difference between uc4 and uc5 cables and they plug in, but are not interchangeable. I could not find a uc5 cable, so I cut mine and soldered it back together in the correct...
  9. skyhawk42

    Successful Upgrade - 2022 8.4 Uconnect 5 with NAV to 12 Uconnect 5 [with pictures]

    Like this one. It’s the correct connector with the pins in the location for the 12” screen.
  10. skyhawk42

    Successful Upgrade - 2022 8.4 Uconnect 5 with NAV to 12 Uconnect 5 [with pictures]

  11. skyhawk42

    Successful Upgrade - 2022 8.4 Uconnect 5 with NAV to 12 Uconnect 5 [with pictures]

    The wide black plug is Ethernet and not used, the double green is WiFi/bluetooth, also not needed. The square black plug needs to be connected to the screen whether you make or buy an adapter for it.
  12. skyhawk42

    Movies on uc5

    I’ve had good luck with the ottocast. It takes a little for it to connect, but once it’s on it works well
  13. skyhawk42

    Frustrations with 8” screen to 12” screen upgrade

    Or a uc5 screen. Carstereocode.com will get the code for $10
  14. skyhawk42

    Frustrations with 8” screen to 12” screen upgrade

    Did you verify the screen part number is for the uc5? The uc4 screen is the same connector but not compatible with the uc5 module
  15. skyhawk42

    Frustrations with 8” screen to 12” screen upgrade

    Jimmy07 gave this and pointed me in the right direction. Check for continuity before you cut the cable to be sure that’s the issue. And if it is, make sure you change the 4 wires and reconnect the braided line that surrounds them.
  16. skyhawk42

    Frustrations with 8” screen to 12” screen upgrade

    That’s what I had happen with mine too. Turned out when I had the conversion harness I got a lvds cable that belonged to a uc4 instead of the uc5 I needed. They don’t sell the uc5 lvds cable anywhere I could find, so I cut it and soldered it back the way it needed to be. It’s been working like...
  17. skyhawk42

    New here...Remote tailgate release question.

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/144264375698?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hki38b6prfo&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=C2XeVvpDTau&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This one works
  18. skyhawk42

    New here...Remote tailgate release question.

    68312079AM, Mopar Tailgate Latch Right 68311435AD, Mopar Wiring-Jumper
  19. skyhawk42

    Anyone Running A Pedal Monster in 2022+ Etorque?

    https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/pos-pedal-commander.60623/ Read this about my experience with pedal commander. I now have the banks pedal monster and I highly recommend it over the pedal commander.
  20. skyhawk42

    HELP! Radio, cargo light, 115v troubles

    Anyone have any insight to this? It’s very intermittent and the radio staying on lead to a dead battery this weekend. I thought it was off, but the next morning the battery was dead so must not have been. I jumped it and it’s been ok since, but randomly the issues pop up for no reason