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Pedal commander vs Pedal max vs Banks vs...


Spends too much time on here
Apr 23, 2019
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Hi all,
Looking for any recommendations between these accelerator pedal drive by wire "reduce lag" devices. Prices seem comparable, just need this kind, not a tuner.

30 day returns, 2 year warranty seems pretty standard, have seen other forum posts saying they can cause codes, lights and other issues...

Any thoughts on your more than 6 months of usage? Thanks
I used a Pedal Commander for about 1yr. I actually used it to increase lag since I don't need it to jump off of the line. I wanted better fuel economy. It worked well for that.

Fast forward to early this winter and I hit a normal manhole cover in the street. The truck went haywire and started accelerating on its own. I didn't take it on the highway but on side streets it was still accelerating at 50mph before I used the brakes to back it down. This happened several more times in subsequent days. I removed the Pedal Commander and haven't had a problem since. The connections were all solid when I removed it. It could just be a strange coincidence but that is my experience.
Appreciate the responses. The YT testimonials are all a bit suspect…
Pedal commander put me in a very dangerous situation when it failed. It was out of warranty and I contacted them about how dangerous it was and they said they would give me $35 off the purchase of a new one or I could send it in to see if they could repair it at my expense. I ended up getting the Banks pedal monster. Way better performance plus has safety features that prevent issues unlike pedal commander. Another thing the banks doesn’t pull power from the pedal itself so it’s definitely designed better overall.
I have the Bank's for 2 years now and not one issue. It does not do anything to the signal in reverse and uses the power from the OBD port. Paired it with the iDash Pro, very happy with it.
Sprint Booster is what I use. I have had on my 2020 for 5 years. I like it because once you set the calibration to whatever setting you desire, you can take the control button off and put it away. The only way anyone would know it is there is if the looked at the connector to the gas pedal. I have had my 2020 in several times for several matters and no one has ever said anything about it.

Sprint Booster is what I use. I have had on my 2020 for 5 years. I like it because once you set the calibration to whatever setting you desire, you can take the control button off and put it away. The only way anyone would know it is there is if the looked at the connector to the gas pedal. I have had my 2020 in several times for several matters and no one has ever said anything about it.

I liked my sprint booster because of how simple it was and it was small and didn't use the obd port. The problem was for me was that it failed at 3.5 years and was a little scary in that the accelerator went in limp mode with all the dash lights, etc. Just pulled it out and it went back to normal.
I liked my sprint booster because of how simple it was and it was small and didn't use the obd port. The problem was for me was that it failed at 3.5 years and was a little scary in that the accelerator went in limp mode with all the dash lights, etc. Just pulled it out and it went back to normal.
Yeah, that would be scary. I understand your concern and would do the same if it happened to me.
Been saying this for years but always got hate in the comments for it: the only two that are safe, are the banks pedal monster and the pulsar. Neither of these 2 power themselves on the pedal circuit, all the others do and it's terrible design because the pedal circuit is not designed to power additional devices. The banks uses the obd2 port, and the pulsar piggybacks to the PCM itself.
I have the Roar pedal unit. It works good for remapping the curve, and helps some with lag. But the lag is a function of the curve, so reducing lag only comes by ramping up the curve. I honestly use it on the lowest setting. I had another that I forgot that had a bad rep for the dash lights when it would fail, but I never installed it. Roar is powered by the pedal, and controlled by a bluetooth app.
Been saying this for years but always got hate in the comments for it: the only two that are safe, are the banks pedal monster and the pulsar. Neither of these 2 power themselves on the pedal circuit, all the others do and it's terrible design because the pedal circuit is not designed to power additional devices. The banks uses the obd2 port, and the pulsar piggybacks to the PCM itself.
That makes sense. I never thought of how the units are powered.
The ONLY times I've had errors is when I tried to change the mode while in drive. I usually leave it on Eco as it's more for fuel economy than drag racing, and it's worked well. I've had it throw lights on the dash, accelerator jump up, etc, but ONLY when I tried changing the mode while in drive (in my driveway). Turning the truck off, letting it sit for a bit, then turning back on and adjusting the modes properly resolved it. Is the Banks safer? Probably. But when used properly I've never had issues with my PC. Anecdotal evidence, but there it is. I bought it used, and it's been in my truck for years and tens of thousands of miles.

Edit: Just went back and looked at my maintenance logs. I installed it June 2020 at 4900 miles. I now have almost 68k miles.
I'll add in that I never changed the mode of my Pedal Commander. It stayed in -4 Eco mode all of the time. It can malfunction (sudden acceleration) even when you follow the instructions. That's my anecdotal evidence.
This comes from Banks, grain of salt of course, but very interesting regarding the Pedal Commander:

My 3 biggest concerns are when pulling (creeping) forward into a parking garage, backing into a spot with a solid obstacle and any kind of limp mode.
Sounds liked Banks may have those covered, ie no extra lag reduction in reverse?
I'll add in that I never changed the mode of my Pedal Commander. It stayed in -4 Eco mode all of the time. It can malfunction (sudden acceleration) even when you follow the instructions. That's my anecdotal evidence.
I rarely changed my pedal commander and it failed without touching it without notice. The banks has you covered against the possibility of failures. I can only speak from experience with pedal commander and banks, but in my opinion banks is far superior
I wasted some coin on an i-Drive that threw faults enough times I pitched it in the trash.

In the end, I decided since none of them can cure DBW brake-throttle-death-lag (BTDL as we call it on an Audi), I'd do without.

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