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  1. J

    Well, my 2021 Honeymoon lasted about week...

    You might want them do to some in depth testing on the battery. Many of those issues come up with a bad battery.
  2. J

    leasing question

    I'm pretty sure he's saying you can transfer the lease agreement to the Dad. You can do that (at least in NY). Then the Dad buys it out at the end.
  3. J

    leasing question

    You have to call the leasing company. They all have different rules and fees. It might be best to transfer the lease to him barring any outrageous fees. He would save sales tax on whatever is owed beyond the buyout. It also would give him an "out" if he waited until the end of the lease to...
  4. J

    Orange peel?

    Orange peel is normal in most cases. Just about every new car I've bought had some somewhere. My 2013 mustang GT has it pretty good on the front fenders and to a less extent on the sides on the car which I think is typical. It probably also varies on the type of paint of paint used, ambient...
  5. J

    Front end clunk while turning - FIXED - TSB # 23-047-18

    I'm starting to hear and feel a sharp clunk right by my feet while turning over a slight drop in pavement height. It's quite evident when transversing from a newly paved road to an older road where they haven't smoothed out the transition yet. 2020, about 1800miles, manufacture date 11/19...
  6. J

    LED 3rd brake light: standard on all 2021 Rams?

    A part # for the revised seal would be great. It's probably cheap insurance to change it out.
  7. J

    Lit "RAM" letters?

    You have to cut up the grill? I thought they were cool but I don't want to hack up anything
  8. J

    All ready for road salt.....

    Inner rocker? Did you take off those clear oval stickers? There is a mopar rubber plug that fits those holes.
  9. J

    2019 Laramie oil pan and plug rust at 9000 miles

    Well, I can testify that in upstate NY, Saratoga/Albany area, that my 2017 was rusting on the rear bumper coming out of the step pads and inside the metal fold of the right rear wheel well after 3 winters. The truck was routinely cleaned but I never put on any rust proofing. The new 2020 I...
  10. J

    Dash lights dim at night?

    I have it set right before the "click". Still seems a bit dim. If you go past the click it's way too bright.
  11. J

    Dash lights dim at night?

    Is it just me or are the dash lights pretty dark when the headlights are turned on? I have the dimmer all up... 2020 Big Horn
  12. J

    2019 Laramie oil pan and plug rust at 9000 miles

    Yes, NY is very bad for road salt and liquid sodium chloride. You can use fluid film, woolwax or eastwoods heavy duty anti rust which is a cosmoline spray or a combo of either. I use the anti rust on hardware, suspension arms and axles. Fluid film in doors, in frames and other cavities. Wool wax...
  13. J

    2019 Laramie oil pan and plug rust at 9000 miles

    Cheap metal. I remember the jeep liberty I had was famous for rusting oil pans. People had 3 year old liberties that needed new oil pans.
  14. J

    Consumer Reports' Reliability rating for Ram 1500 - doesn't make sense

    Meh. CR is kind of a joke. While I do think toyota and honda are more reliable as a whole, they notoriously ignore common problems with those manufacturers and rate them very high even in their first model year. My 2020 ram has been great so far. I love the brake feel and like the uconnect. It...
  15. J

    Question for north east winter drivers

    I'm going into my 27th year of driving in upstate NY winters. You get get around in just about any all season tire if you need to. The accidents happen when people are going too fast or not paying attention and reacting like they are on dry pavement. The wranger sra tires on my old 2017 were...
  16. J

    How tight should rear tonneau cover clamps be?

    I have the same cover. I tightened it to the point where it starts to flex the metal lip just a bit. When released the metal lip goes back to it's original position.
  17. J

    Door Part Fell Off 2019 RAM Laramie

    Yeah those are hard to get off by looking at all the tape and fasteners. $28 do it yourself. It's not worth the time to drop off the truck or wait that long for them to replace it.
  18. J

    My 2 year experiment is over. RAM is dead to me. Going to FORD

    ^^This can't be said enough^^ Going to ford is a good choice. Just be aware of their issues as well. Don't know if I'd buy and ecoboost but maybe the only choice since they've been having problems with the 5.0 engine. Don't know if ford fixed those manufacturing problems yet. I think the 5th...
  19. J

    Inner rocker rubber plugs, part #.

    I've searched and read quite a few threads on finding the right size plug for the inner rockers which FCA used a clear oval sticker to cover from the factory. The people who undercoat with a liquid rust inhibitor have to remove these in order to spray inside the inner rocker. The part # that...
  20. J

    Detailing and Waxing

    I must say I'm a little surprised at the amount of posters using TW products. They were considered complete garbage not too long ago. Maybe they got better. Can't stress enough that whatever you choose that the paint prep is good. Even brand new vehicles come with fallout imbedded in the paint...