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If you’re on mobile on ios (not sure about android), look at the top right of the screen when the artivle loads. There will be a button icon with a lower and uppercase letter or a book. Clicking that will enable “reader view” and get past the paywall alert.
I have those also. I slightly milled the center for the entire spacer to sit flat on the lower spring perch. I’m not sure that that was necessary for me to do though.
Everyone here is missing soooooo much- “everything is happening, all of the time”. Nobody is going to spoon feed the information (like a news network would) and it takes a little more time to find the happenings, but they’re there.
They didn’t have a choice with that. If they go higher, the truck will start eating front axles, with the caveat that they are keeping the suspension in a safe middle ground and not at the limits. Their goal is to get millions of trucks out with as few recalls as possible. (or like they did this...
A tophat spacer (I’m assuming that’s what you’re referencing when you say “hockey puck”) is not stock on the vehicle, so I’m not sure why this is even referenced. The person was asking “does ORG have a spring or a shock lift”.
I I think I was partially wrong here, and who knows, maybe I’m completely wrong about all of it. Now that Trump and Barr have both said that they are happy with Durham’s report, Durham might actually be done after he testifies. However, I don’t believe that any future activity related to that...
@tom318 Let’s back up a little bit. I just noticed you have a matco coolant tester. Are you a mechanic? With the coolant at room temp (engine cold), can you do a 60min coolant leak-down with checks at 15min intervals?
Not with the dpf system. Is yours still intact?
Edit: I should clarify. If there is not an extreme problem with coolant in a cylinder, then the DPF system should mask that. I have no idea how long the DPF and associated components would last if coolant was passing through it. That’s outside of...
It should not if the thermostat is open. I’m not going to argue with you over it, you’re free to use whatever method you like. I’m sharing tricks of the trade that were taught to me by men who’ve owned an auto repair business since the ‘70’s, and not a single thing I’ve been taught has been...
Stop now and get it in for warranty. You can always not accept the repair if it’s not under warranty, then repair it yourself. You don’t want to end up needing a new engine if there’s an egr cooler leak. Did you scope the cylinders? If coolant was getting into your oil, it would look like a...
I wasn’t trying to be an a hole or anything with that. It was just supposed to be a thought-provoking exercise to get you to think about no matter the source, it should be verified when possible. (It’s possible in this case). Yes, I believe more will happen. Things are happening all the time...
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