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  1. Sal731

    Help me identify 2 door car that attempted to steal catalytic converter

    Bro it’s a little piece of **** car. Tinted windows. I’m sure your local police can find it. It’s stupid for you to try to figure it out. Even if you did what would you do. You got pics. You don’t need the year make and model
  2. Sal731

    Post your Rebel pics!

    Love the way the lift makes her sit
  3. Sal731

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Gave her a nice bath and put a Bds sticker on my headache rack🤪
  4. Sal731

    Lifted stance options with offset options

    This is what she looks like now. I didn’t realize I didn’t post pics on this thread
  5. Sal731

    Lifted stance options with offset options

    That is one bad *** truck brother. Beautiful color. I know Bds is pretty expensive but I think it is well worth the price. Just for the sanity of knowing you have a lifetime warranty alone is what sold me. I’m definitely a fan of the -18 offset. Gives the perfect stance in my opinion
  6. Sal731

    Texas shooting

    Are you thinking this coward of a kid would have done this without a firearm
  7. Sal731

    Texas shooting

    But all seriousness. All of us can have someone vouch for us. Weather it be co-workers. Employers. Other law abiding citizens. Friends. Family. From what I’m gathering ct. and Texas these guys had absolutely zero friends. They would have had nobody to vouch for them. The kid in connecticut...
  8. Sal731

    Texas shooting

    Lol. I hear you. Sometimes stupidity does get my panties bunched up
  9. Sal731

    Texas shooting

    I agree. Here in westchester county ny I pay almost 9k a year just for school tax. Every year for the past three years my taxes have gone up. Put metal detectors and armed either retired police or retired servicemen in the schools. Thousand percent I don’t have an issue with guns. But… there...
  10. Sal731

    Texas shooting

    Bro I’m a firm supporter of our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Don’t take it so personal. This kid was obviously unstable. Guns are to hunt and to protect your homes and families. You think this kid would have had one person to say he should be able to walk into a Walmart and buy a weapon...
  11. Sal731

    Texas shooting

    Nothing can compare to tragedies like this one and sandy hook ct. you send your child to school for them to never return. My heart bleeds for those children and their families. Should have to be atleast 21 to buy a gun and to be honest with you you should have to have some credible people...
  12. Sal731

    Post your Rebel pics!

    Very happy with the new lift and tires. Looks good. Drives awesome
  13. Sal731

    Let’s see your Dogs!

    Rocco definitely thinks he is a human
  14. Sal731

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Looks awesome my friend and thank you. Enjoy. Your truck looks great
  15. Sal731

    Speedometer calibration after adding 35” tires

    Picked up my rebel from the shop. Had a six inch Bds lift kit installed. Added 35x12.5 tires. When I left the shop I had to take the highway home. According to Waze when I was doing 70 I was really doing 74. I kept an eye on Waze for the correct speed I was traveling. When I got off the highway...
  16. Sal731

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Light sensitivity
  17. Sal731

    Waze help

    Bro. Just tell Siri to find your destination on Waze. She’ll do it for you and while Waze is on you can ask Siri to make a call from your contacts or any numbers that you say. Sounds like google assistant is messing you up. Google wants you to use google maps
  18. Sal731

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Just picked up the rebel from 4x4 shop. Lift and wheels installed. Weather was turning crazy quick. I’ll try to get some good close ups in the morning