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  1. U

    Key Fob All Weird Suddenly

    yes. It worked fine stopped went shopping for 20 minutes came out and fob all wonky
  2. U

    Key Fob All Weird Suddenly

    Went to use fob to open truck earlier it would lock when pressing unlockand do nothing pressing lock. But if i pressed lock twice tailgate would drop. Autostart worked perfect. I have the 4 button fob
  3. U

    Paragoptics anyone ?

    thanks I tied it once but was a little pressed on time at that moment going to try it again
  4. U

    Paragoptics anyone ?

    The glovebox isn’t getting done unless I can’t find someone with the right size hands to get the tube in …..lol
  5. U

    Paragoptics anyone ?

    My Rebel didn’t come with the tube. I’m trying to put one in that I got from Paragoptics.
  6. U

    Paragoptics anyone ?

    Nope haven’t tried in a couple days. I wasn’t wanting to change the glove box light itself but it might end up going that route to get the tube in. I still have to tackle the door panel ones as well
  7. U

    Paragoptics anyone ?

    trying to get that glove box tube in is killing me and my sausage fingers. Anyone in the Long Island area accomplish it? ill bring beer!!!!
  8. U

    License plate relocate

    Sadly NY has so many Red light/speed cameras they will never go away
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    5100s in stock

    I just got an email from shocksurplus that they have 5100s in stock.
  10. U

    Constant USB error message

    I had to dumb down my charging pad. Truck didn’t like the rapid from the USB port
  11. U

    Help with codes

    Thanks, mostly wondering if this can be a battery issue or not. One code for switches one code for fogs one’s an airbag ( no airbag light tho) one who knows seems varied and I know my magnum thru strange unrelated codes when battery was going wonky
  12. U

    Help with codes

    2022 Rebel GT w/ eTorque.Truck is iintermitently chiming on start up along with head or fog flashing (no it’s not when I’m turning) get a flash on gauge panel of AEB not working pulled codes the duration of this gets longer with each start up possible bad battery or generator ? I have added...
  13. U

    Vararam Air Grabber intake installed

    I had snow buildup in my Gen 4 with it, cant speak for Gen 5's
  14. U

    Auto Emergency Braking Error.

    My '22 just started this when first moving I'll even get the headlifghts flashing a few times till it stops. It will do it occasionally after while just driving. I'll check BCM history in the morning any other insight would be a help
  15. U

    Upfitter Switches

    I used 68376640AE buttons, The order changes on the top from the original switch panel but everything works normal , if your good at wiring you can save the $270. its simple to wire up a relay box. Jimmy07 can most likely tell you the pins to buy that go on the wires that plug into the back of...
  16. U

    Upfitter Switches

    #Jimmy07 the #1 switch only seems to work when all the other switch’s are on any ideas?
  17. U

    Upfitter Switches

    Here’s a couple pics; 1. 4 Diode Dynomics Pro spot / 2 Pro combo on outsides. 2. Diode Dynomics 30” in lower grille 3. Oracle Rebel/TRX light All pics with headlights off and moving. Trying to find a good dark spot on Long Island is a *****!
  18. U

    Upfitter Switches

    working now !!! thanks again for your Help!!!!! Edit: pics when it gets dark
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    Upfitter Switches

  20. U

    Upfitter Switches

    This is how I should wire it? Never done it this way before.