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  1. kapinallinen2

    Random tapping noise 2023 bighorn

    Upload to You-tube, post a link to it here.
  2. kapinallinen2

    TPMS Temporarily Unavailable

    My 2019 has started to do that when the temperatures drop, looks like a time for new senders, they are only good for 5 to 6 years AFAIK.
  3. kapinallinen2

    2025 Ram Rebel Air bag light on when cold emergency sos on screen

    What B0095- number, 11,12,13 or 49? -11 is short to ground, -12is short to battery, -13 is open circuit in ORC , impact sensor or wiring and the B0095-49 is "B0095-49-RIGHT FRONTAL ACCELERATION SENSOR-INTERNAL ELECTRONIC FAILURE" Pardon the font size... This is on my 2019. From ALLDatadiy.
  4. kapinallinen2

    Misfiring badly

    Clear the code and see if it comes back.
  5. kapinallinen2

    Throtle body?

    Pedal sensor, PCM, throttle body. It is all fly by wire. The throttle control circuitry have fail-safes that should prevent that from happening.
  6. kapinallinen2

    ABS and PTS error codes

    I had the left rear sensor wire break on the harness side of the connector, had the same ABS, cruise 4X4 symptoms. Used the ALFA OBD to look at live data from the 4 sensors, it led me to the wrong side at first, rear sensors are labeled backwards in the app. OBD Link MX+ got it right.
  7. kapinallinen2

    Battery Drain Issues-2021 Ram 1500 Laramie V8, Hemi Etorque

    That`s not right. I would confirm that at the battery terminals with a multi-meter.
  8. kapinallinen2

    Dead Battery/Pops/Flashes

    Sounds like everything is going hay wire due to low voltage condition. I would use AGM and high rate, charge it couple hours and see what happens, that battery could be toast having gotten discharged that low. As far as what drained the battery, try searching the threads.
  9. kapinallinen2

    any ideas?

    I would use chassis ears or a stethoscope for chasing it down.
  10. kapinallinen2

    2019 model brake fluid low warning at startup

    IIRC, I had to use SGW bypass cable to clear ABS DTC`s. The C2206 could be caused by the ABS module? C2206-00-VEHICLE CONFIGURATION MISMATCH NOTE: If the BCM has been serviced make sure that the Restore Vehicle Configuration is performed before continuing with this diagnostic procedure. Theory...
  11. kapinallinen2

    Wet floor

    The window frame could have cracked at the corner.Pull the seats and the back wall trim, hose the rear of the truck and see if you can get a visual on the leak.
  12. kapinallinen2

    Trailer plug

    Problem with the wiring harness, connector somewhere along the line or the BCM. XY225A connector, pin 42 dark green, XY630A, pin 37 dark green. Alldatadiy has all the diagrams providing your truck is at least 2 years old. edit: if you have voltage on both sides on the F10 then forget the BCM, it...
  13. kapinallinen2

    Anybody know what this is?

    Looks like a body mount leaking, remember seeing few reports of that happening, not very common tho.
  14. kapinallinen2

    No power, no start, barely a click

    5 years on the battery, most likely just failed from old age.
  15. kapinallinen2

    Help finding ACC Only engine fuse box

    The lights are powered from the BCM. The premium lights get separate juice via F49 15Amp. but it is hot only during run.
  16. kapinallinen2

    Push to start oem wires or plugs ???? Need to locate

    One month subscription to alldatadiy is 19.99, you get your vehicle model year specific information.
  17. kapinallinen2

    Possible air suspension issue

    Sounds like a leak in the system. I would go to a different dealer if possible.