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  1. D

    Phone favorites disappearing - Used to save names now just numbers

    Agreed. I liked the favorite option. But gave up. I used Android Auto way too much.
  2. D

    RC 3.5” lift install

    Looks great! While I agree, the rear end needs an additional boost. Even after the front end settles. You know what option I'm going with. LOL
  3. D

    Speedometer recalibration for 2021 1500 with Parking assist

    I'm going to the same size and plan to recalibrate. But that does mean it's necessary. LOL I'd say try without and then maybe in the mean time someone properly cracks the code for the calibration.
  4. D

    Speedometer recalibration for 2021 1500 with Parking assist

    Aren't OBDII ports a standardized thing? There's a couple members here with '21s that used the Rough Country calibrator. He did confirm park assist did not work. The tazer works on 21's. I believe up to 35" tires as well. At first I was like "no way" I want it all to work. Which is true...
  5. D

    Tires are on!...finally have all my RC 3.5" lift finished!

    My only worry on the Clayton 2.5" springs would be lower payload. Those springs are made for a lighter payload vehicle. Just my opinion which could be totally unfounded.
  6. D

    Phone favorites disappearing - Used to save names now just numbers

    I gave up on favorites. Anytime I used Android Auto, my favorites would disappear in Uconnect. From time to time, Uconnect just loses my paired phone as well. Phone is Samsung S10E
  7. D

    Tires are on!...finally have all my RC 3.5" lift finished!

    Here's what I ordered. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N4AQ8YN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Here it is compared to Readlift. https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/2-readylift-rear-spacer-vs-supreme-suspensions-2-rear-spacer.29220/
  8. D

    Tires are on!...finally have all my RC 3.5" lift finished!

    Most certainly will take measurements. I plan to lift and drive with stock tires for a couple of weeks to let things settle and decide how it rides compared to stock. Then add my tires after that. It won't be easy to hold off on the tires, but in the name of science I will make that...
  9. D

    2021 A/C sucks

    I'm still running heat. 3 inches of snow today.
  10. D

    Let’s see your lineup! How many rams have you had!?

    2012 Ram 1500 and 2021 Ram 1500. Missing...my 1993 Ram 1500
  11. D

    Tires are on!...finally have all my RC 3.5" lift finished!

    ***updated pictures - scroll down below*** Now to have them installed! Waiting fory busy to give me a date. Hoping for a Saturday morning so I can help out in his shop. It's pretty much a Rough Country 3.5" lift except I'm using Supreme Suspension rear 2" spacer.
  12. D

    3-4" lift for a pavement princess

    Here you go. https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/3-1-2-in-lift-on-ram-1500-with-35-12-5-20.26242/#post-367233
  13. D

    Readylift 3.5” vs zone 4”

    I think the Zone will ride better. You just have to make peace with cutting your frame to do the diff drop.
  14. D

    New Maxxis RAZR AT Tires

    Fairly new AT tire just hitting the states. Maxxis Razr At-811. I run Maxxis on my ATV and dirtbike. Figured why not run them on my truck?
  15. D

    New Maxxis RAZR AT Tires

    Still a couple weeks out from the install, but going to run these. 285/55/22
  16. D

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Will do. I really like the pattern as well. Just ordered the reast of my lift parts.
  17. D

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    New tires arrived 285/55r22 Maxxis Rzr AT-811. Level next. Still debating 2.5"F 1"R or 3.5"F 2"R
  18. D

    Toyo Open Country AT III on 20' Limited with 22"

    I ran Terrain Contacts before. They are nice tire and super quiet. Not much of an aggressive look, but still a good looking tire. You should see no difference in fuel economy if you are going oem size. I really like the Toyo ATIII', but have not run they yet. My guess is they will be...