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Phone favorites disappearing - Used to save names now just numbers


Sep 9, 2020
Reaction score
Did a search only saw an old thread with no fix.

Had the truck for about 7 months, did not have the issue until a couple months ago. I have a Samsung s20 ultra

Phone favorites used to save and display names. All the sudden I'd get in the truck and they would be gone. I'd reset them and a few days later gone again. Now when i save the same contact it displays the phone number instead of the name. Couple days later all gone again.

It seems to happen after my wife is in the truck with me, haven't done harder testing on this yet though. Her phone is also saved in the uconnect system, though mine is set as the primary.

Anyone else have this issue and get it resolved?
Mine stopped syncing them like it was and I had to manually add them back in. I also feel like the favorites used to be across the top as little squares and now it is just a list like the phonebook. Maybe I'm thinking of something else, but one day it seemed different and I don't recall any prompts about updates.
I gave up on favorites. Anytime I used Android Auto, my favorites would disappear in Uconnect.

From time to time, Uconnect just loses my paired phone as well. Phone is Samsung S10E
I gave up on favorites. Anytime I used Android Auto, my favorites would disappear in Uconnect.

From time to time, Uconnect just loses my paired phone as well. Phone is Samsung S10E

Yeah I'm about to give up as well. It does not appear to be what i thought it was, being my wife's phone causing it. I do use Android Auto through a wired connection often for music. I read somewhere else if the phone is connected via wired before the car starts that it will cause a wipe. At this point I'm probably just going to give up.

It's unfortunate because i used this feature a lot.
Agreed. I liked the favorite option. But gave up. I used Android Auto way too much.

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