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  1. bigdodge

    Stop/Start Not Ready

    these threads should be combined https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/pissed-off-about-my-new-2022-ram-1500.37587/page-3
  2. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    same here
  3. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    but you should confirm with your dealer just ask for the current poc.
  4. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    the way things are going out here you will probably have yours before me.
  5. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    mine was the next day
  6. bigdodge

    Order Tracking

    go here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XAZCsecD67IBmQ1YUudQKWVcfGepUmK89RHyotukGBs/edit#gid=1458322364
  7. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    don't feel so bad mine is in a railyard 15 miles from my dealer since dec 20 to 23
  8. bigdodge

    2019 Ram 1500 - Vibration in gas pedal

    posting here is fine just giving you something to read you never know when it will help
  9. bigdodge

    2019 Ram 1500 - Vibration in gas pedal

    throttle thread https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/throttle-controllers.24236/
  10. bigdodge

    Truck not engaging proper gear?

    what is the engine in your truck
  11. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    all in one day as far as I have ever been able to find out
  12. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    the assembly line moves at the rate of between 49 and 53 trucks per hour which is a truck about every 8 minutes above is average and best estimate watch this
  13. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    rambox for the bighorn was removed a few months ago
  14. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    I feel your pain!:(
  15. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    my truck came by BNSF
  16. bigdodge

    Start of 2022 Production.

    are you sure? this is the shot just north of the SHAP with the railroad right next to the trucks
  17. bigdodge

    Throttle controllers...

    is this something the average person needs? or is is a novelty item