So last week I did the FitCamX but didn't wire up the rear because the rear cam cable is not long enough to go all the way to the back of my camper.
Installing it on the rear glass inside the cab is just straight up dumb for my use because... ding ding ding! the camper's in the way.
I contacted FitCamX for the spec of the rear cam extension cable, but they gave me the runaround. First, the rep said because I have the 2K front version, there's no cable that works (I didn't read the description properly when I ordered... should've got the 4K one but oh wells). Then, the rep said he/ she checked and 2 5 meter cables would work instead of the 20ft cable that I wanted to order from their site.
I responded by saying that this truck sees a lot of dirt miles and offroad use, so extending 2 5meter cables is something I am not going to do. I am running the cable along the frame UNDER the truck, so having connectors that are not waterproof or not locked is not going to work. I then asked the rear cams on both 2K and 4K models are both 1080P and use the same camera, so what's the difference?
Rep couldn't answer that, gave me the same response: 2k front will only work with 2x 5m cables. I thought about responding to the email in Chinese (which I am fluent in... i spent my first 18 years of my life speaking the language living in Taiwan) so the rep can better understand my needs and questions, because I had the feeling that dude/ dudette wasn't understanding me properly (or I wasn't understanding properly) and there's some sort of communication barrier.
So I thought about it for 2 minutes and decided to just tell them to cancel my order and I'd probably have better luck and get my cable faster if I just get it from Amazon... both are made in China but at least with Amazon I can get it in my hands in 2 days instead of waiting for a week for them to send from West Taiwan. All I had to do was to find a caliper and get the measurement for the male and female 4 pin cable (6mm and 4.40/ 4.45mm... both worked). Reason I have both 4.40 and 4.45mm is because I had one extra 10ft cable that's 6mm + 4.40mm, and I ordered a 16ft one that's 6mm + 4.45mm.
So, I ended up using 3 extension cables:
1. The FitCam included one to go from the front to the footwell.
2. The 16ft one ( to go from the footwell through firewall to the front of the cab, up the hole by the front tie down.
3. The 10ft one ( go from the front tie down follow the bed rail, up the rear GFC post, to the camera mounted on the rear window.
So, it took about 26ft of cable to get this working properly. Routing the cable was easy, since I already have harnesses that I made going to the camper already. Running the cable through the firewall took most of my time, because I already have a big bundle going through the firewall for my Switch Pro, HAM radio, and in-cab power supply, and I didn't want to make the whole on the firewall any bigger (I could, but I didn't want to so I don't have to do additional waterproofing).
Front 2K cam:
Rear cam, mounted on camper. I think I cleaned the glass already at this point.
Had to wear safety goggle because... i hate dirt falling into my eyes when I was under the truck. Had to wear head lamp because... I couldn't see when I was under the truck.

Camera from outside view. I don't know why there's a bubble but I wasn't about to remove it and redo it. I'll get some 3M VHB on it when it falls off.

Camera view from inside the camper.
I thought about getting the front cam only version, but decided that it'd be better if I have the rear too. Very glad I got it to work... the only question is... how long will these China cable last under the truck lol