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AlfaOBD Suspension “Set Ride Height Level”


Sep 18, 2022
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Hello so I have an issue with my 2022 Ram 1500 Limited (with air ride). Last night I changed 2 settings and my vehicle is now stuck in what appears to be Entry/Exit Mode while indicating that it is in Off-road 2 Mode. [see IMAGE #2]

[IMAGE #2]

[IMAGE #3]

1.) First off I used the “Write Suspension Height Values” in the “Suspension” portion of the app in an attempt to raise the left side of the vehicle about 11mm to level it with the right side of the vehicle. Before changing anything, the factory “Calibrated Heights” values were 0/0/0/0 [see IMAGE #3]. The factory values of 53.33/56.71/48.99/49.23 for the “Ride Height Sensors” were similar to the factory “Calibrated Heights” the Ram Rebel had in the video (
) I watched about adjusting this value. I initially added 11MM to what the FL and RL “Ride Height Sensors” values were and used those values (64/56/59/49) to Write the Suspension Height Values [See IMAGE #4]. After realizing the drastic difference in the factory values and the values I entered I almost instantly returned it back to 0/0/0/0. I hope this means that this setting is back to normal now. The “Calibrated Heights” currently show 0/0/0/0 again, but I notice that my “Ride Height Sensor” heights are all a few MM different from what they were originally in [IMAGE #3]. Shouldn’t those values be exactly the same as what they were before I changed anything now that my “Calibrated Heights” are back to 0/0/0/0?

[IMAGE #4]

2.) Secondly, in the same sitting, I used the “Set Ride Height Level” setting in the “Suspension” portion of the app just to see what it would do (terrible idea!) and ever since doing that I’ve tried adjusting the setting every which way and I can’t get it to function as it should. It seems as if it is stuck in Entry/Exit Mode while the vehicle indicates it is in Off-road 2 Mode so it won’t let me adjust the suspension neither up nor down with the button on the dash.

I just put 35”X12.5” tires on the thing last week so it is completely undrivable the way it sits. If anyone knows how to get these settings back to normal and/or has any tips or pointers I want to hear ‘em! Thanks in advance
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Did you try to apply your original backup config from before you messed anything up?
There are no "factory values" each truck has it's own values "from the factory" so you can't really copy someone else.
Did you try to apply your original backup config from before you messed anything up?
There are no "factory values" each truck has it's own values "from the factory" so you can't really copy someone else.

I’m not the smartest when it comes to AlfaOBD. When you say apply my original configuration do you mean just type the numbers back to what they were before?

Here’s where I’m at:

The original “Calibrated Height” values were 0/0/0/0 which is the numbers (I think) I originally changed, and now have reset back to 0/0/0/0 using “Write Suspension Height Values”

As for the “Set Ride Height Level” setting, you set it to one of the 5 drive modes and I don’t know which one it’s supposed to be set to. I’m clueless on what the setting even does
I’m not the smartest when it comes to AlfaOBD. When you say apply my original configuration do you mean just type the numbers back to what they were before?

Here’s where I’m at:

The original “Calibrated Height” values were 0/0/0/0 which is the numbers (I think) I originally changed, and now have reset back to 0/0/0/0 using “Write Suspension Height Values”

As for the “Set Ride Height Level” setting, you set it to one of the 5 drive modes and I don’t know which one it’s supposed to be set to. I’m clueless on what the setting even does
When you connect to the BCM, right before you get the list of options, one of them is backup configuration. It exports a .txt file of every parameter, and you should be able to restore it.

You can also modify settings in the file and then restore it to fix said settings (and change things that Alfaodb doesn't support).

I just looked at the video and he was doing those changes on a 4th gen (2016) not a 5th gen (2022 like yours) truck.

Check this thread out.
@Handycraftman made adjustments to his successfully, you might be able to look at what he did and retrace your steps and see what you did wrong.

You might want to start with doing a backup config, and looking through the text file for the names of what you changed and verify they are back to what stock was.
When you connect to the BCM, right before you get the list of options, one of them is backup configuration. It exports a .txt file of every parameter, and you should be able to restore it.

You can also modify settings in the file and then restore it to fix said settings (and change things that Alfaodb doesn't support).

I just looked at the video and he was doing those changes on a 4th gen (2016) not a 5th gen (2022 like yours) truck.

Check this thread out.
@Handycraftman made adjustments to his successfully, you might be able to look at what he did and retrace your steps and see what you did wrong.

You might want to start with doing a backup config, and looking through the text file for the names of what you changed and verify they are back to what stock was.

That’s good to know! So the BCM file includes parameters for the ASCM? I ask since I made changes to the ASCM and no changes to the Body Computer. I guess that would make sense if it did include the ASCM parameters since there are no Backup/Restore file options when connected to the ASCM.
Does that BCM .txt file contain the same info as the “Faults and Status Log” or is it entirely different?

I did print off that log earlier to compare new values to old and I ended up with more questions than answers lol
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When you connect to the BCM, right before you get the list of options, one of them is backup configuration. It exports a .txt file of every parameter, and you should be able to restore it.

You can also modify settings in the file and then restore it to fix said settings (and change things that Alfaodb doesn't support).

I just looked at the video and he was doing those changes on a 4th gen (2016) not a 5th gen (2022 like yours) truck.

Check this thread out.
@Handycraftman made adjustments to his successfully, you might be able to look at what he did and retrace your steps and see what you did wrong.

You might want to start with doing a backup config, and looking through the text file for the names of what you changed and verify they are back to what stock was.

When I did the adjustment I didn’t save my stock settings either. I just plugged in some numbers, I think 130 for the front and 70 for the rear. And then measured each wheel well and adjusted accordingly. To get it level and the height I wanted. Never could get it back to the stock height. But I wanted 1” lift anyway so it all worked out. I will tell you it took hours and dozens and dozens of adjustments. Just be patient.
When you connect to the BCM, right before you get the list of options, one of them is backup configuration. It exports a .txt file of every parameter, and you should be able to restore it.

You can also modify settings in the file and then restore it to fix said settings (and change things that Alfaodb doesn't support).

I just looked at the video and he was doing those changes on a 4th gen (2016) not a 5th gen (2022 like yours) truck.

Check this thread out.
@Handycraftman made adjustments to his successfully, you might be able to look at what he did and retrace your steps and see what you did wrong.

You might want to start with doing a backup config, and looking through the text file for the names of what you changed and verify they are back to what stock was.

I did a backup of my current config and then tried to restore vehicle config from a backup file that I saved in October and it gave me this
I also have yet to see anyone comment (or anything on the forums) specifically on the “Set Ride Height Level” setting I messed with. There seems to be quite a bit online about “Write Suspension Height Values”, but nothing about “Set Ride Height Level”. I hope I haven’t gone too far into uncharted territory with this one as I feel like it might be the reason or part of the reason for my issue.

When you connect to the BCM, right before you get the list of options, one of them is backup configuration. It exports a .txt file of every parameter, and you should be able to restore it.

You can also modify settings in the file and then restore it to fix said settings (and change things that Alfaodb doesn't support).

I just looked at the video and he was doing those changes on a 4th gen (2016) not a 5th gen (2022 like yours) truck.

Check this thread out.
@Handycraftman made adjustments to his successfully, you might be able to look at what he did and retrace your steps and see what you did wrong.

You might want to start with doing a backup config, and looking through the text file for the names of what you changed and verify they are back to what stock was.
Hello, comrades! There can be no values of 0/0/0/0. After changing the settings, you need to perform the "height sensor check" item, otherwise the truck will get stuck in random or factory mode. Here are the values of the factory front axle 100+/- 12mm, rear axle 68+/- 12mm. For normal operation of the truck, you cannot make changes below 50 and above 135.
Hello, comrades! There can be no values of 0/0/0/0. After changing the settings, you need to perform the "height sensor check" item, otherwise the truck will get stuck in random or factory mode. Here are the values of the factory front axle 100+/- 12mm, rear axle 68+/- 12mm. For normal operation of the truck, you cannot make changes below 50 and above 135.

Thanks for the info. So based on what you’re saying I take it that the vehicle should appreciate me plugging in for example 111/100/79/68 into the “Write Suspension Height Values”?
I also have yet to see anyone comment (or anything on the forums) specifically on the “Set Ride Height Level” setting I messed with. There seems to be quite a bit online about “Write Suspension Height Values”, but nothing about “Set Ride Height Level”. I hope I haven’t gone too far into uncharted territory with this one as I feel like it might be the reason or part of the reason for my issue.


Set ride height level is the same thing as using the switch to change the level. Except you’re doing it via computer for diagnostic, etc. purposes. It is not a permanent change.
Thanks for the info. So based on what you’re saying I take it that the vehicle should appreciate me plugging in for example 111/100/79/68 into the “Write Suspension Height Values”?
You're right. Change the values until the result suits you. After that, check the height sensors, otherwise your settings will not be recorded and the suspension will get stuck.
@22MurderRam I’ve removed the emoji from your title twice, and now will be the third. Please Leave emojis out of your titles.
Set ride height level is the same thing as using the switch to change the level. Except you’re doing it via computer for diagnostic, etc. purposes. It is not a permanent change.

You're right. Change the values until the result suits you. After that, check the height sensors, otherwise your settings will not be recorded and the suspension will get stuck.


That worked — she‘s off the ground again! What a relief. Now to get this thing into my shop where I can take accurate measurements and fine tune the heights. I greatly appreciate all the input and support on the topic. Thanks again!

After fine tuning, I was able to take out the factory Driver’s side 1/2” drop with values 120/98/80/70. At wheel center the front wheel wells both measure at 42.5” and the rear wheel wells at 42.75” on level concrete. (That’s with Daystar spacers & fully shortened AirLinks in the front and stock links for the rear.) I don’t think it could be leveled any more perfectly. I’ll get some good pictures to post tomorrow!


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After fine tuning, I was able to take out the factory Driver’s side 1/2” drop with values 120/98/80/70. At wheel center the front wheel wells both measure at 42.5” and the rear wheel wells at 42.75” on level concrete. (That’s with Daystar spacers & fully shortened AirLinks in the front and stock links for the rear.) I don’t think it could be leveled any more perfectly. I’ll get some good pictures to post tomorrow!



After leveling your truck have you noticed it becoming unlevel and/or changes in each airbag height after time? I was able to get mine level on level ground. But overtime and depending on the slope of the ground I’m on it is no longer level front to back or side to side. It’s always changing the height. I don’t know how to correct this.
After leveling your truck have you noticed it becoming unlevel and/or changes in each airbag height after time? I was able to get mine level on level ground. But overtime and depending on the slope of the ground I’m on it is no longer level front to back or side to side. It’s always changing the height. I don’t know how to correct this.

Strange. I haven’t had it in my shop to measure the heights a second time since I made the changes, but every time I’ve checked it out since making the changes it’s looked perfectly level to the eye.

Also for context if it helps, I’m a machinist so I’m super OCD about the tiniest differences in height that either: wouldn’t bother most people / most people would never notice

I’m no RAM expert but I have noticed the airbags adjusting at times when I haven’t pressed the ride height switch, and I’m curious if it adjusts them based on how the vehicle is currently sitting, which would mean it should perfectly level itself out when you get back on level ground or at least one would hope

After fine tuning, I was able to take out the factory Driver’s side 1/2” drop with values 120/98/80/70. At wheel center the front wheel wells both measure at 42.5” and the rear wheel wells at 42.75” on level concrete. (That’s with Daystar spacers & fully shortened AirLinks in the front and stock links for the rear.) I don’t think it could be leveled any more perfectly. I’ll get some good pictures to post tomorrow!

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but wanted to make sure I understand the process.

You are using the "Write Suspension Height Values" process in alpha to adjust height? Is there anything you did before that? I thought I saw somewhere that it was recommended to dump the bags back to the reservoir. Any method on how much to change the numbers to facilitate the process or are you just making the number slightly smaller if you need to take out some height and remeasuring at the wheel....Rinse/repeat until you like what you see.

Also, @Handycraftman you said to "Check the height sensors" to save the settings. I dont see that option in Alpha. I wonder if that is from an old version? Thanks for any help!!


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[mention]zajaco [/mention] My bad on the late reply. I didn’t do anything before “write suspension height values” besides a few mistakes that you wouldn’t want to repeat

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