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2022 Laramie night edition damaged on delivery.


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Nov 14, 2021
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Looking for advice. I waited 14 weeks for my 2022 laramie night edition, I picked it up friday from the dealership, it was parked in the shade and I looked the truck over and everything seemed normal, purchased it and left.

30 minutes later when I got home and the sun was shining directly on the truck I noticed A LOT of scratches on the truck, scratches down the doors, it also looks like the whole truck needs to be repainted. The truck looks like someone did the paint process out of order, the whole truck is swirled with scratches looks like from a buffer, underneath the Clearcoat. I mean it looks awful. Numerous people have seen my new truck and said holy crap this paint is all swirled. Also, the truck bed is really rough and scratched up like it hauled a ton of bricks. The truck had 8 miles on it when I picked it up. Also, the passenger window has bubbles all over it, looks like the glass needs to be replaced.

About 30 minutes after I got home from leaving the dealership, I contacted the dealership about all the scratches, swirls, truck bed, bubbles in the window. They set me an appointment for the 22nd to bring the truck back and let them look at the problems im discussing.

Im sitting here confused, I just bought a 63,000 dollar truck, took delivery and realized it's all scratched up. I'm worried the dealership is gonna try and **** me over or while I wait 10 days for the appointment they might try and say all thesse scratches weren't there when I took it.

Any suggestions on a course of action? I'm tempted to bring the truck back tomorrow and just park it on the lot and tell them I don't want the truck back until it's all corrected. I was planning on calling the manager in the morning to discuss this stuff with him. I do have proof of texts/phone calls discussing these issues with sales man right after I got home.

Do I give the truck back and ask for a new one from the factory? It genuinely looks like the whole truck needs to be repainted. The truckbed could have bed liner sprayed over it. I'm worried about letting them repaint the truck. What do I do? I'm sick to my stomach dealing with this knowing how much I paid for this truck and that I feel like how did all this get past everyones quality check and dealer prep? I think they knew as it was parked in the shade.


Going to take pics of the buffing swirls in the morning. But attached you can see numerous scratches on the sides of the truck, window defect, and also the truck bed which is all scratched up. Brand new truck


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First I’d see what the dealership says and does to make it right. That looks terrible imo and I’d be mad as hell also. Lesson learned. Move vehicle to the Sun to look it over first. 🤬🤬🤢🤢

Stay calm with them initially and take everyone’s advice on here with a grain of salt and remember it’s not our truck but yours. Do what you have to, which could include lawyers, to make yourself happy with your purchase.

Depending on where you live make sure to warn everyone you know or talk to stay away from this dealership and let them know you’re going to tell everyone if it’s not corrected to YOUR satisfaction.
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If it was me, I wouldn't be waiting for an appointment on the 22nd. As you've stated, you paid 60k+ for this truck ... the dealership deserves your full attention, and I would be making a stop there tomorrow unannounced. Go in and ask for the highest manager ... GM of sales or something, and laying your concerns down. They are not that busy that you need to wait over a week to be seen for extremely serious defects. If it was a small scratch here or there or something else minor, then yes.

When I was purchasing my 2019 Warlock, the dealer screwed me around for a week on delivery dates. I was coming from out of state, so had to leave on a certain date and the sales guy I dealt with kept delaying me. I ultimately went in to the dealership, asked for the Sales Manager and sat down with him to go over it all.

Had my truck the next day.

Don't wait until the 22nd.
If it was me, I wouldn't be waiting for an appointment on the 22nd. As you've stated, you paid 60k+ for this truck ... the dealership deserves your full attention, and I would be making a stop there tomorrow unannounced. Go in and ask for the highest manager ... GM of sales or something, and laying your concerns down. They are not that busy that you need to wait over a week to be seen for extremely serious defects. If it was a small scratch here or there or something else minor, then yes.

When I was purchasing my 2019 Warlock, the dealer screwed me around for a week on delivery dates. I was coming from out of state, so had to leave on a certain date and the sales guy I dealt with kept delaying me. I ultimately went in to the dealership, asked for the Sales Manager and sat down with him to go over it all.

Had my truck the next day.

Don't wait until the 22nd.
That i agree with. I wouldn‘t even call, I’d just drive up.
I damn sure wouldn’t be waiting for an appointment I would show up there the very next day. This isn’t a root canal your having to make a appointment for but I’m sure just like most places they’ll scream Covid this Covid that but that still doesn’t stop them from attempting to sell vehicles on a daily basis so they can forget the whole “appointment” bs they’re trying to feed you.

I would also be on them on how they plan on fixing it.. the bed get it line x’d.The scratches unless they are through the clear coat can be buffed out but I wouldn’t want the dealer doing that I would have that done well the whole truck at a local reputable detailer and have them take care of the bill. Also go ahead and look over the truck completely and address anything else you may find. I wouldn’t accept a repaint on a brand new vehicle just can opens a can of worms and dings the car fax.
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Don’t wait. My truck got delivered a few weeks ago with scratches all over it after editing 5 months for it. After going back and forth with dealer on options the owner of the dealership recommended that I order a new one so I did. The issue is that much damage it’s going to show up on carfax which could impact value of truck. Also, the paintjib will never be as good as factory and could have issues down tge road. Sucks abs I feel your pain. Good luck!
The biggest thing - keep a cool mindset and attitude. If you go in there guns blazing and being rude to whoever you speak to, they'll likely shut you down pretty quick and not want to help. Be understanding, tell them you know it's not personally their fault. But be firm about what you're wanting done and see what options they give you. Get @RamCares involved too.
That is some serious defects/damage. No way they missed that. The paperwork for the sale is probably not processed yet. Not sure what state you Iive in but see if there is some grace period law that they are trying to make you miss by setting up an appt 10 days out.

As others have said, don't wait, keep cool/calm, and go right to the GM.
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That is some serious defects/damage. No way they missed that. The paperwork for sale is probably not processed yet. Not sure what state you Iive in but see if there is some grace period law that they are trying to make you miss by setting up an appt 10 days out.

As others have said, don't wait, keep cool/calm, and go right to the GM.
That timeframe of 10 days out is a great point.
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Why didn't you drive it right back when you got home?

I've done this exact thing on a couple of new vehicles which had damage that I didn't notice until I got them home.
I’m not sure how this works on ordered vehicles, but a lot of states have a 3 day large purchase back out law. I would return the truck make them fix it then take delivery. You have more power the sooner you address it. You wait 10 days you may be stuck hiring a lawyer and fighting for a replacement. You show up wanting to return it their tune will change.

The final result could be ordering another so you may need to be prepared for that option.

Not only has Covid produced large delays quality seems to have dropped in a lot of industries.

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It sucks and I have been there.

You are already at a disadvantage since you took delivery and drove off the lot. By doing that, in most states, you are accepting any and all defects other than warranty claims. Most dealers will work with you to fix it, because they don't want unhappy customers, but fix it is always a relative term and for something major its almost never going to make you happy.

I would be willing to make a large wager the reason they booked you 10 days out is so that any possible option to return the truck is off the table.
First try to research local laws and know your rights. Some states allow you to cancel, some dont. Some need you to send a letter within a certain number of days, etc. Figure this out and get back there in person ASAP.

If your local law requires it, type up and take multiple copies of a letter stating the issues and include photos. Just having that letter might give you more leverage.

Feel free to hear them out and see what they offer, but know that major defects will likely never be fixed to your satisfaction.

I bought a new one back in 2019 late on a Friday off the lot. My wife and I were leaving the next morning to travel and would be back Monday. They begged me to take the truck, but it was on a satellite lot and was a total mess covered in dust and dirt. I told them to get it cleaned up and I would be back to take delivery Monday.

Showed up Monday and the truck had significant paint defect issues so I didn't take it. They had no leverage since I never droive off the lot. They had to refund my deposit and I bought another truck from a different dealer.

Had I have driven off the lot and took it that Friday, I would have had no power and they would have maybe given me a free detail at best.

Good luck!
Technically, once you drive it off the lot, you're an owner and the dealer has no responsibility to repair any damage to the vehicle. I worked at a dealership for many years and witnessed quite a few people bringing vehicles back with dents, scratches, mirrors torn off, scraped up wheels, "keyed" paint, etc. after the first few days of ownership, claiming "it was like that when I bought it"! It's not uncommon for people to somehow damage their brand new vehicle. That's how the dealer sees it and they won't be inclined to do any repairs for free. Good luck!
Yeah don’t go in guns blazing or they might not feel obligated to fix the situations but please don’t wait 10 days you need to go in there asap don’t wait any longer even if that means missing a day or leaving work early etc.

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Technically, once you drive it off the lot, you're an owner and the dealer has no responsibility to repair any damage to the vehicle. I worked at a dealership for many years and witnessed quite a few people bringing vehicles back with dents, scratches, mirrors torn off, scraped up wheels, "keyed" paint, etc. after the first few days of ownership, claiming "it was like that when I bought it"! It's not uncommon for people to somehow damage their brand new vehicle. That's how the dealer sees it and they won't be inclined to do any repairs for free. Good luck!
True, but this is where the dealerships can take the opportunity to step up and earn customers for life. I don't think I've bought a new Ram that I didn't take back within a day or two for a cosmetic issue. One was a paint defect, one was a chipped wheel, and one was a scratch on the tailgate. My local dealership took care of the paint scratch and chipped wheel at their cost. The warranty covered the paint defect since it was obvious the issue was under the clear coat. It still baffles me as to why a lot of dealerships don't do more to earn customer's loyalty.
So here we are guys, first off I appreciate all of the advice. I called the manager this morning talked to him and brought the truck back this morning. I got it friday and its back there monday morning. I had pictures and texts to my sales man complaining of the issues 30 mins after leaving the lot. Anyway their paint guy came out and talked with me and was baffled by the amount of scratches and damage. He said he would go over the whole truck waxing and polishing to fix it and that I could pick it back up tonight. So one day apparently. The window they can order and replace under warranty and the truck bed is very scratched he claims he can repaint it. We shall see. I told them I would come back and inspect the truck tonight. I do not intend on taking posession of the truck until its fixed and I've told my credit union to stand by on payment. The dealership told me if im not happy we can order another truck and drive this scratched one until the new replacement truck comes in but that I'd have to pay them .25 cents per mile I put on the truck when I return the damaged one, but otherwise it would be a 1 for 1 trade. I doubt this guy can fix all this stuff but we shall see. I took numerous videos and pictures.


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So here we are guys, first off I appreciate all of the advice. I called the manager this morning talked to him and brought the truck back this morning. I got it friday and its back there monday morning. I had pictures and texts to my sales man complaining of the issues 30 mins after leaving the lot. Anyway their paint guy came out and talked with me and was baffled by the amount of scratches and damage. He said he would go over the whole truck waxing and polishing to fix it and that I could pick it back up tonight. So one day apparently. The window they can order and replace under warranty and the truck bed is very scratched he claims he can repaint it. We shall see. I told them I would come back and inspect the truck tonight. I do not intend on taking posession of the truck until its fixed and I've told my credit union to stand by on payment. The dealership told me if im not happy we can order another truck and drive this scratched one until the new replacement truck comes in but that I'd have to pay them .25 cents per mile I put on the truck when I return the damaged one, but otherwise it would be a 1 for 1 trade. I doubt this guy can fix all this stuff but we shall see. I took numerous videos and pictures.

Thats easily fixed in a day or less doing paint correction
That looks like they took it though an automatic car wash then had some kid dry it with a dirty rag.

Not uncommon for dealers to do this before the truck leaves the lot.

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