Older thread, but new info might provide useful insight to those experiencing trouble with media add-ons:
I was experiencing an issue where my CD player would only play track 11. Could restart the song if I wanted, or fast forward to the end, but no other tracks would play, and it happened with every cd I inserted. Finally decided the player must be bad, and prices had come down so I ordered another one, albeit a different brand. When the new player arrived I installed it only to find that it id the same thing.
At that I point I new it was an issue with the truck's UC5, probably initiated by one of the FOTAs. I changed every setting I could find, did the radio reset (multiple times) to no avail. Finally decided to bite the bullet and delete all of the profiles/completely reset the system. Lo and behold, this was the fix! PIA to go back and reset all of my preferences, but would have saved me the cost of the new cd unit.
Lesson here, kids, is don't stop short on your troubleshooting and start throwing parts at the problem

. Oh, and I now have a gently used CD player if anyone is looking to buy one