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Active Member
Dec 4, 2020
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
Hey guys, just incase I want to lol....how do I save gas? This truck has no modes like eco mode... yes it has the eco light that tells you that you are in 4 cylinder mode...but it barely ever comes in lol...any advice?
Very light, like painfully light accel

I can keep the eco light on for most of my drive.

People behind me hate me

Anticipate your stops. Be easy on both pedals

Don't remote start it. Don't let it idle
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If the truck is new, the mileage will suck. As it breaks in, it will improve. Mine was lousy until about 5000 miles.

Beyond that, keep the tires inflated and leave your ego and testosterone at home when you go somewhere. You don't have to beat everyone out of the light. You don't have to pass everyone. Pretend you're driving a stickshift and look far ahead and try to anticipate lights so you come to a complete stop as seldom as possible, On long trips, use the cruise control and sit in the right lane unless it's full of semis going below the speed limit, when you're allowed to pass. Otherwise let the BMWs and rice rockets pass you.

Hard acceleration kills fuel economy. Idling kills it really bad with the hemi. And above 70 mph economy falls off really really bad.
Or screw the money and gas efficiency and drive it however you want! But yeah, I would suggest lotsa patience and consider all your drives a stroll versus a sprint.
Very light, like painfully light accel

I can keep the eco light on for most of my drive.

People behind me hate me

Anticipate your stops. Be easy on both pedals

That's pretty much it. If I drive like that, I can get pretty impressive mpg in my Rebel, not matching the window sticker, but still vastly better than the 13 mpg mixed I'm getting now.

If there was no one else on the road, I would drive like this. Another big reason for my lousy mpg is that I refuse to drive in the first two lanes on the highway, that's where you get hit by rocks and crack windshields, which means only the 2 fast lanes, which means 75 mph or higher and burning gas.

Then there is my aftermarket muffler, which sounds so good on throttle. I pretty much say screw it, just enjoy it! I recommend you hide your mpg indicator :)
I have found that letting my Ram idle to warm up in the winter dramatically reduced my fuel milage according to the onboard computer and my verified calculations. For some reason my Ram sucks fuel when idling. I think this seems to be a common issue I've read about on this forum. I drive gently for the most part until someone pisses me off, then I let them hear my Carven exhaust and blow by them.... that eats up the fuel too.
My truck has 2500 kilometers on it (canadian) will my mileage get better? Lol I'm getting 16.4l per 100kms roughly....someone told me these trucks dont have a break in period
No brake in per se, but I’ve had 4 hemi rams since 2010 and I can tell you the gas mileage gets better after around 5k miles.
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Hey guys, just incase I want to lol....how do I save gas? This truck has no modes like eco mode... yes it has the eco light that tells you that you are in 4 cylinder mode...but it barely ever comes in lol...any advice?

lighter rims/tires. Picked up a set of 20” rims for my AT4 with nokian hakkapelikka studded tires. Total weight is 72lbs. 10lbs lighter per wheel compared to my 18” all season tires. 40lbs of rotational mass made one hell of a difference between gas mileage and performance. Truck takes off so much quicker now.
Few things in my expierience.
Winter fuel mix = lower mpg
When u remote start your truck and it idles for 10-15min it’s averaging 0 mpg which will dramatically drop computer mpg.
When you have the hemi it’s hard to baby it, once you get the taste for the acceleration , makes it difficult to not let the horses run
My truck has 2500 kilometers on it (canadian) will my mileage get better? Lol I'm getting 16.4l per 100kms roughly....someone told me these trucks dont have a break in period

The manual does state how to drive for the first 300 miles or so, so kinda a break-in period. What people say is that the motor "loosens" up and after 5,000-7,500 miles, you should see an improvement in mpg.

RAM Break-In Procedure.jpg
I have found that letting my Ram idle to warm up in the winter dramatically reduced my fuel milage according to the onboard computer and my verified calculations. For some reason my Ram sucks fuel when idling.
the 5.7 non etourqe burns right at 2 oz. of fuel every minute at idle.

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