5thGenRams Forums

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Gentlemen & Ladies, I'm off to RamForum


Ram Guru
Jan 25, 2019
Reaction score
I really like(d) this site but the new ad setup is totally unbearable. I appreciate the need for advertisements, and I try to help by clicking through when I want/need to buy parts. I've even been a forum supporter and I'm not against paying the $25 or whatever it is, but the fact that you don't even get a photo garage here isn't worth it to me. Whenever I want to show someone here something on my truck I have to link it from RamForum. So I'm just going to head back that way, so if anyone looks to hit me up I'm the same name/avatar over there :)

PS: Site admins, take down the ridiculous ads. You are ruining the site.
Yep. Same here. I can also be found on RamForum under the same name.

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I really like(d) this site but the new ad setup is totally unbearable. I appreciate the need for advertisements, and I try to help by clicking through when I want/need to buy parts. I've even been a forum supporter and I'm not against paying the $25 or whatever it is, but the fact that you don't even get a photo garage here isn't worth it to me. Whenever I want to show someone here something on my truck I have to link it from RamForum. So I'm just going to head back that way, so if anyone looks to hit me up I'm the same name/avatar over there :)

PS: Site admins, take down the ridiculous ads. You are ruining the site.

Click this link:

Click "add to firefox"
Yep, a lot of forums are trying to follow the lead of the big forum owners like Verticalscope and are transitioning to obnoxious in your face ads. Unfortunately, these forums are being bought out with a goal of maximizing ad revenue and little regard for the user experience. I'm all for supporting the little guys that still care about members.
Luckily I only use my desktops to browse forums and thus my ad blocks keep it in check.

However if I did not have this (Android/iOS) I could see how this would be a pain. I know Adblock plus works with Safari on IPhones....am sure something can work with chrome too on mobile devices.
I use Chrome and get the same ads on that site as well .. I just installed AD BLOCKER (FREE) and it took care of them.
Luckily I only use my desktops to browse forums and thus my ad blocks keep it in check.

However if I did not have this (Android/iOS) I could see how this would be a pain. I know Adblock plus works with Safari on IPhones....am sure something can work with chrome too on mobile devices.
You're right - I tried coming here tonight on my laptop and the ads are *much* reduced. So I guess I will still visit on the laptop when I'm on it, just not as frequently since I mostly use my phone.
I’m a Tapatalk app user and haven’t noticed a difference in ads. Might be worth a try if you’re browsing via your phone.
Thanks, I will maybe give that a shot as well. Last time I tried using TapaTalk on my phone it was a spam wasteland - maybe that's changed?
I'm on both. I haven't been on a desktop computer for browsing for years. Android phones and tablets, that's it. There are a number of forums I frequent and this has become by far the most obnoxious with ads.
I've found myself using the other more since this one became bogged down.
Ads don't bug me. Gotta pay for the space somehow.
As others have noted, use an ad blocker and you won’t see any ads. I use AdBlock on my iPhone, it’s free.

If ads on a forum bother you that much you have some issues. Jesus Christ..

I don't think it is the ads per se as they have dealt with them all along. It is the changing of ads that are taking up the whole screen now they are complaining about.
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I actually left there.

When the 5th gens were coming out I had a question or two, and it got bumped into a dead end thread in a more specific subforum - while many other ACTUAL tech related questions stayed in the bigger ones. I was pretty salty, I realized my question was NOT going to get answered at all, and other questions that were along the lines of what I was asking, got to stay. Bizarre. That's what bad moderating looks like - they feel like they're organizing it, they're causing a mess instead.

Not long after I hopped on over here, I got every question answered, and got to turn around and answer questions for people.
I can't see the ads, but I do hope that gets fixed to keep people here.

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