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Is it possible to add Blind Spot?


Aug 5, 2019
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Was wondering if it's possible to add blind spot to my level 2 bighorn (has the 7 inch cluster which would be crucial I assume) with the LED package. It would be great to have when towing my travel trailer. I know I would need the blind spot detection modules and new left and right side mirrors and then of course have the computer flashed either at the dealership or by using AlfaOBD. Has anyone done this sucessfully?
Is it possible to add Blind Spot?

Helpful Posts compiled by Mpgrimm2:

25, (njh3409) xy400 / interior CanBus IHS connector/terminal General Info
82, (Tdb0021) LED Tail light wiring mod info for BSS
100/106, (tdb0021) “Adding Blind Spot Monitoring.PDF” link
114, (Jimmy07) xy400 & Interior CanBus IHS connector terminal PNs with purchase Links.
136, (Jimmy07) Correct BSS taillight connector & terminal PNs with purchase links.
169, (RebelDogAndTruck) Advanced Safety Group (ALP) and Blind Spot and Cross Path Detection (XAN) sales codes
229-231, (Jimmy07) Discussion about BSS sensor PNs for Trailer Length BSM to work?
263, (JBowman) Some AlfaOBD setting and TailLight Jumper Harness PN info. (68357220AD and 68357222AD vs xxxxx300AA jumpers?)
345, (1.21 Gigawatts) partial info about xxxxx300AA taillight jumper harness option w/removing pin 8 on left/drvr side
364, (djevox) Possible 1500 DT Heatsink and gasket PNs??
386-388, (1.21 Gigawatts) Overview of the various BSM upgrade paths & options.
401, (Jimmy07) Note about not setting “Veh Config 7 - Active Blindspot Present" (not needed for Ram)
412 (TDP154) Info on aftermarket BSM ready LED Taillight assy’s with eBay purchase link.
444 (1.21 Gigawatts) Dedicated thread for Adding blindspot rear view (and Passenger side dimming) mirror glass
450 (TDP154) Additonal AlfaOBD settings for Trailer Length BSM

BSM & Mirror Mod notes by Mpgrimm2
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I was able to add them on my truck. Replaced the mirrors added the sensors to the tail lights and added about 2 feet of missing wiring harness under the driver seat. I used alfaobd to turn them on.
Were the tail light module wires already in place? I added heated glass to my big horn, and decided to order the heated glass with the triangle, in hopes to add blind spot.
Which alfaobd options need enable to get it up and running?
I was able to add them on my truck. Replaced the mirrors added the sensors to the tail lights and added about 2 feet of missing wiring harness under the driver seat. I used alfaobd to turn them on.
You have the part numbers?
You have the part numbers?
I made the missing wiring myself. I used the diagrams I found online to trace the missing wires. They were missing from under the driver seat to the CAN bus connector under the driver kick panel.
I made the missing wiring myself. I used the diagrams I found online to trace the missing wires. They were missing from under the driver seat to the CAN bus connector under the driver kick panel.
Do you still have a diagram to share? Did you purchase the tail light jumper connectors for the rear sensor ?
Do you still have a diagram to share? Did you purchase the tail light jumper connectors for the rear sensor ?
The wiring from the tail lights to under the drive seat was present in my truck. 4 CANBus wires were missing from under the seat to the CANBus hub. The connector is a 58 cavity connector XY400A.

39All VariantsD215DB / WH0.35CAN IHS (+)
40All VariantsD216WH0.35CAN IHS (-)
41All VariantsD217DG / WH0.35CAN IHS (+)
42All VariantsD218WH0.35CAN IHS (-)
I made my own wires from some parts I had in my toolbox to finish the missing harness.
I am researching the correct pins for the existing connector under the driver seat. If I can find a source I can make the missing wiring that will plug in on the CAN bus side and have 4 pin to add to the current connector under the drivers seat. On my truck that was all I had to add.
How about in alfaobd - do you remember which settings need enabled?
How about in alfaobd - do you remember which settings need enabled?
I will update this post later today with what I enabled. I also added the mirrors when I installed everything. It will work without the mirrors just with audio.
All settings are in the Body computer and Car configuration change. The last one for the door may or may not be needed? I added the mirrors with the LED so I never tried without it. It will take awhile for the radio to pickup the changes for the menu but it will.
Were the tail light module wires already in place? I added heated glass to my big horn, and decided to order the heated glass with the triangle, in hopes to add blind spot.
Which alfaobd options need enable to get it up and running?
Did you just order the glass and how much was it? How hard is the mirror glass to replace?
Did you just order the glass and how much was it? How hard is the mirror glass to replace?
The glass is not hard to replace but you have to make the wiring. I ended up getting mirrors off eBay with them already. The wiring is in place and just needs plugged in this way.
I’m so glad I found this post! Been looking to add this option since I bought my big horn level 2 last wknd.

Njh3409 - to confirm, in order to install the blind spot and reverse cross path detection, you need to purchase and install the 1) upgraded mirrors and 2) Radar sensor modules and then 3) improvise wiring to connect the wiring from the radar modules to the canbus connector and finally 4) turn on via alfaOBD?

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I’m so glad I found this post! Been looking to add this option since I bought my big horn level 2 last wknd.

Njh3409 - to confirm, in order to install the blind spot and reverse cross path detection, you need to purchase and install the 1) upgraded mirrors and 2) Radar sensor modules and then 3) improvise wiring to connect the wiring from the radar modules to the canbus connector and finally 4) turn on via alfaOBD?

Correct. The system will work without the mirrors just with sound from the radio. Blind spot will only alert with audio if you turn on your signal when something is in the blind spot. But yes correct. The wiring was not bad but you have to make sure you get the correct polarity on the bus connection for sure.
Correct. The system will work without the mirrors just with sound from the radio. Blind spot will only alert with audio if you turn on your signal when something is in the blind spot. But yes correct. The wiring was not bad but you have to make sure you get the correct polarity on the bus connection for sure.

Thanks for the confirmation. Would you happen to have any pictures of the CANBus wire connections and what you did?

I figure I’ll be able to get the mirrors and radar modules installed and plugged in, but will may get tripped up at the wiring as I don’t have experience with that.

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