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Chime malfunction sound


Jul 9, 2019
Reaction score
Hello, I recently bought a 2019 1500 Limited and had an issue. On two separate days I was traveling on the highway. The suspension was in aero mode, and cruise control was set at 82, and 85. The speed seemed to not be a factor because when I would slow down it still did this. I guess the best description is a sick bell. Almost like the truck was sensing something in the blind spot and trying to sound the chime, but then changed it’s mind. Dealership of course could not duplicate. I tried to attach a video but it said “the uploaded file does not have an allowed extension.” One occurrence it is intermittent and another time it was more steady. Has anyone had this problem or have any suggestions? Thanks!
Hello, I recently bought a 2019 1500 Limited and had an issue. On two separate days I was traveling on the highway. The suspension was in aero mode, and cruise control was set at 82, and 85. The speed seemed to not be a factor because when I would slow down it still did this. I guess the best description is a sick bell. Almost like the truck was sensing something in the blind spot and trying to sound the chime, but then changed it’s mind. Dealership of course could not duplicate. I tried to attach a video but it said “the uploaded file does not have an allowed extension.” One occurrence it is intermittent and another time it was more steady. Has anyone had this problem or have any suggestions? Thanks!
Post the video to youtube and share the link.
Great idea! Here you go...

Read up in this thread @Ssimmons07 . There's a number of wind noises referenced, but post #71 is what you are getting. Seems to be a problem that more than just you are having, and there is a fix referenced somewhere amongst the mishmash of posts.

Thanks! That is exactly the place I need to look. I’ve been through a lot of pages and have not found a solid fix yet, but I at least I know I am not crazy and the dealership is going to be of no help. Even after going through a bunch of this and reading that people are filing lemon law claims the dealership said there is nothing they can do. $70k vehicles should not have problems like this. It is extremely frustrating, but thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

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