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You would buy this truck if this happened?


New Member
Dec 9, 2019
Reaction score
I was looking at a truck the dealership. It was cloudy outside. dealership put the driver window completely down. I went inside the building to copy my license so i can test drive it and they can get some info. As we are doing that it starts to downpour. the rain is sideways going right into the open driver side window. I would say the window was open about 5 mins like this with heavy rain.

We get to the truck the door is soaked. Center console is soaked. Some water on the dashboard and instrument cluster. seat is wet.

We did drive the truck after this and everything seemed fine.

I did check on a it a few hours later and it was still wet inside. Dealership didn't bother to dry it off or anything.

I would be concerned about the electronics and any affect on the leather.

You would buy this truck or pass?

It always shows you really never know what happens to a car when you buy it.
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Hard pass.

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Leather interior? I would pass
Yeah hard pass on that. Who knows what kind of mess of crap could happen to it later down the road.
Not only would I pass on that particular truck but I’d probably find a different dealer altogether if that’s acceptable behavior, who knows how many other vehicles have been treated the same way or worse.
If he will sell it to you for a water salvage price, other than that, run, don't walk away.
I'd pass and tell the sales manager why you are passing. I get that most people don't care about other's property anymore but for a sales rep to treat their own inventory that way?
I'd pass and tell the sales manager why you are passing. I get that most people don't care about other's property anymore but for a sales rep to treat their own inventory that way?
Exactly. That is B.S. especially at the price point these trucks are at. If they would do that right in front of the customer, imagine how they treat the vehicles behind the scenes. I wouldn't trust that dealership at all and I would let them know on my out why that is.
While you do hate to harp on humans as they do make mistakes, I'd have to pass as well.

You will never feel comfortable driving that truck even if it never gives an issue.
I agree with others, I would pass, 5 minutes is a long time.

Salesman should be fired because he should have gone back out in the rain, put the window up and driven it back to their detail department to have it dried off immediately.
Would pass and go to a different dealer.

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