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What's going on with value on my 1500 Ltd?

Cueva del Osos

Active Member
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
I guess I’m glad I’m not crazy! I know things will ultimately get back to a new normal (not that manufacturers will give up ‘just in time’ supply chains) and values will come back down, this valuation phenomena just shocked me.

BTW, I always was the guy who held a car for 10 yr (and had it maintained meticulously and kept records to prove it...damn, I am OCD) until I had an Acura. Two years in the back drivers door handle Trim fell off (it was cheap chromed plastic attached by one small tab), ABQ Acura service tech was asked to get replacement, he ignored me. I talked to Service Mgr, he assured me it would be handled and then did nothing. That was enough for me to learn my lesson about luxury brands and I traded that sucker in for the RAM. My plan for the 1500 was 5-7 yrs (bought 7yr warranty... I wouldn’t dream of owning a computerized beast without it) but we’d like to up our travel trailer to a 30’/10k# and that needs a 2500 to tow. Still, I’m waiting for the full 5th gen-ification of the 2500 - and a shake down period - before doing anything.

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