Are you sure that money factor is right? 0.41% APR???? (You didn't add an extra zero)? (0.00017)Advice…
Long story short, looking at buying a used truck, settled on Ram, but can’t really afford the market for what I am looking at (looking to find something in its powertrain window that I can extend…buying a truck and then having to invest 3-4 grand more due to mechanical issues scares the **** out of me), anyways, I opened my research to leasing and here I am reading this thread and just want to bounce my logic off some of you.
I went through a broker for an estimate and with the 51% residual on 36 months gets me 1. A more comfortable payment (monthly) and 2. At the end of the lease the residual ~30K is something that I could then finance and stay in comfort zone.
The 51% residual seems ridiculous by my estimates. Finding 2021s with ~36K miles they are selling on the market for like 70% of their original window sticker.
Things I also was hoping I could confirm…
-I am not going to be close to under 12K annually by my estimates. This is a non-issue if I plan on buying out the lease at the end (which I do). Or am I missing something?
-As I said, 51% seems artificially low… seems to me this would only really affect those who stay leasing as they are taking hits to their trade in? Or what am I missing?
Lease deal: here
you should also try the leasehakr.com lease calculator, and see if you get the same results.